以下の要領で名古屋数学基礎論セミナーを開催します。 奮って御参加下さい。
日時:12月13日(金) 15:30-
場所:名古屋大学 大学院情報科学研究科棟 1F 第2講義室 (http://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/2012website/global-info/images/access-map/map2.pdf の地図でA4(3)の建物です。)
講演者:横山 啓太 (北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)
題:On the second-order categoricity of the natural number system
アブストラクト: It is important in the foundations of mathematics that the natural number system is characterizable as a system of 0 and a successor function by second-order logic. In other words, the following Dedekind's second-order categoricity theorem holds: every Peano system (P,e,F) is isomorphic to the natural number system (N,0,S). In this talk, I will investigate Dedekind's theorem and other similar statements. We will first do reverse mathematics over RCA0, and then weaken the base theory. This is a joint work with Stephen G. Simpson and Leszek Kolodziejczyk.