来週火曜日に京都大学にて吉田展子さん(Imperial College London)によるご講演があります。 詳細は下記の通りです(いつもとは曜日・時間が異なりますのでご注意ください)。 よろしければぜひご参加ください。
京都大学数理解析研究所 照井一成
========== Time: 14:00-15:00, July 30th, Tuesday, 2019 Place: Rm 478, Research Building 2, Main Campus, Kyoto University 京都大学 本部構内 総合研究2号館 4階478号室 http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/yoshida/main.html (Building 34)
Title: Behavioural Type-based Static Verification Framework for Go
Speaker: Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College London) http://mrg.doc.ic.ac.uk/
Abstract: I first give an overview of recent researches of my group.
Go is a production-level statically typed programming language whose design features explicit message-passing primitives and lightweight threads, enabling (and encouraging) programmers to develop concurrent systems where components interact through communication more so than by lock-based shared memory concurrency. Go can detect global deadlocks at runtime, but does not provide any compile-time protection against all too common communication mismatches and partial deadlocks.
In this work we present a static verification framework for liveness and safety in Go programs, able to detect communication errors and deadlocks by model checking. Our toolchain infers from a Go program a faithful representation of its communication patterns as behavioural types, where the types are model checked for liveness and safety.