# 重複して受け取られた場合はご容赦ください.
スウェーデンのハルムスタード大学の Walid Taha さんが ポスドクを募集しています.Taha さんは最近 Acumen という ハイブリッドシステムのモデリング言語を作っておられるのですが, その言語のコンパイラについて研究するポストのようです. 興味をお持ちの方は Taha さんに直接コンタクトをお取りください.
Postdoc position on compiling hybrid differential equations
An NSF CPS project on Robot Design is building foundations and tools for the simulation of hybrid (continuous/discrete) systems. The project has an opening a postdoctoral research with Professor Taha at Rice University. The successful candidate will design and evaluate compilation strategies forenclosure-based solvers for hybrid differential equations, and will be part of the team developing the Acumen modeling language.
Applicants for this position should have strong skills and interest in functional programming theory and practice; property-based testing; performance analysis; and Scala. Excellent communication and collaboration skills are required for both independent and collaborative team work. Priority will be given to applicants who already hold a doctoral degree in Computer Science, but applicants with suitable skills and interests who hold a doctorate in Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering are also encouraged to apply. Desirable experience includes experience with writing numerical codes, interval and enclosure methods, domain theory, operational semantics, formal verification, differential equations, hybrid/impulsive differential equations, and mechanical hardware design and control, especially in the context of robotics. Desirable skills also include facility with Haskell, OCaml, ML, Scheme, Mathematica, Maple, OpenGL, Matlab, Simulink, and other modeling and simulation tools.
The position is for one year, renewable to two years, and is subject to the availability of funding. The successful applicant will likely spend part of their time in Halmstad, Sweden (50%) as part of the collaboration. Successful applicants may start by the end of December 2013 or early March 2014.
The deadline for applications is November 29th, 2013. Application for this position should be sent directly to Professor Taha by email. The title of the email should be (without quotes) "Postdoc Position on Compiling Hybrid Differential Equations". The application should consist of one, self-contained PDF attachment. The application should include 1) a brief cover letter including motivation for the application, 2) a CV, and 3) a list of names of references. It is also suggested that the application include online pointers to previous publications or software produced by the applicant.