バーミンガム大学のSteve Vickers先生の講演のお知らせです。 どうぞふるってご参加ください。
問合せ先: 石原 哉 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 情報科学系 e-mail: [email protected] -----------------------------------------------
* JAIST Logic Seminar Series *
* The seminar below is held as a part of JSPS Core-to-Core Program, A. Advanced Research Networks, EU FP7 Marie Curie Actions IRSES project CORCON. (http://www.jaist.ac.jp/logic/ja/core2core, https://corcon.net/), and EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions RISE project CID.
Date: Monday 17, April, 2017, 15:20-17:00
Place: JAIST, Collaboration room 6 (I-57g) (Access: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/english/location/access.html)
Speaker: Steve Vickers (University of Birmingham)
Title: Arithmetic universes as generalized point-free spaces
Abstract: Point-free topology in all its guises (e.g. locales, formal topology) can be understood as presenting a space as a _logical theory_, for which the points are the models and the opens are the formulae. The logic in question is geometric logic, its connectives being finite conjunctions and arbitrary disjunctions, and then the Lindenbaum algebra (formulae modulo equivalence) for a theory T is a frame O[T], a complete lattice with binary meet distributing over all joins. Locales are frames but with the morphisms reversed.
Grothendieck proposed Grothendieck toposes as the generalized point-free spaces got when one moves to the first-order form of geometric logic. Then the opens (giving truth values for each point) are not enough, and one must move to sheaves (giving sets for each point). The Lindenbaum algebra now becomes a Grothendieck topos Set[T], the classifying topos for T, constructed using presheaves with a pasting condition, and closed under finite limits and arbitrary colimits in accordance with Giraud's theorem. The topos Set[T] canonically represents the generalized space of models of T.
Grothendieck used the category Set of classical sets, but we now know that it can be replaced by any elementary topos S. This base will determine the infinities available for "arbitrary" disjunctions, as well as governing the construction of the classifier S[T]. However, for theories in which all the disjunctions are countable (such as the formal space of reals) it doesn't matter which S is used, as long as it has a natural numbers object (nno). Thus the generalized space of models of T is not absolutely fixed as a mathematical object.
In my talk I shall present the idea of using Joyal's _arithmetic universes_ (AUs), pretoposes with parameterized list objects, as a base-independent substitute for Grothendieck toposes in which countable disjunctions are intrinsic to the logic rather than being supplied extrinsically by a base S. In [1] I have defined a 2-category Con whose objects ("contexts") serve as geometric theories that are sufficiently countable in nature, and whose morphisms are the maps of models. In [2] I showed how to use Con to prove results for Grothendieck toposes, fibred over choice of base topos. Thus we start to see AUs providing a free-standing foundations for a significant fragment of geometric logic and Grothendieck toposes, independent of base S.
My two papers - [1] "Sketches for arithmetic universes" (arXiv:1608.01559) [2] "Arithmetic universes and classifying toposes" (arXiv:1701.04611)
表記の講演者、トピックの三田ロジックセミナーを開催します。 重複して受け取られましたら申し訳ありません。(また、第3回日仏サイバーセ キュリティ会議 4月24日ー26日のURL情報も下に入れさせて頂いていま す。)
Mita Logic Seminar (4月18日(火)18時、慶応大三田キャンパス) jean-Baptiste Joinet speaks about "From the dynamic of informational time to ontology : a reading of Church"(April 18th, Tues, 18:00 at Mita Campus, Keio University)
リヨン第3大学哲学科、パリ高等師範学校カバイエス研究所のJean-Baptiste JOINET教授に次のような講演をお願いしています。 参加自由、事前登録なしです。
SPEAKER : Jean-Baptiste JOINET University of Lyon 3,Department of Philosophy, France Centre Cavaillès, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
TITLE : From the dynamic of informational time to ontology : a reading of Church (下にアブストラクトがあります。Abstract attached below.)
Place: 慶応義塾大学三田キャンパス大学院棟一階313番教室, (次のキャンパスマップの8番です。) https://www.keio.ac.jp/ja/maps/mita.html Room 313, 1st Floor, Graduate School Building ( Number 8 of the above Campus Map).
Time: 18:00-19:30 なお、この会とは別に、Joinet教授も参加される論理系のFormal Method Session を含む、第3回日仏サイバーセキュリティ会議が4月24日―26日に 慶應義塾大学三田 キャンパスで開催されます。事前登録無しでも参加可能です すが参加予定の場合は席の確保のために登録していただけると助かります。(事 前登録、プログ ラム情報は次にあります。 http://cyber.science-japon.org)
Mita Logic Seminar 問い合わせ先: [email protected] (セミナー事務局専用アドレス)
ABSTRACT : In XXth century, the thirties are years during which, simultaneously,
a/ one of the branches of modern logic, Proof Theory (Hilbert, Gentzen) recentered Logic around the spatial and temporal inscription of reasoning (and this with several respects: temporality and spatiality of the representation of argumentations, of heuristic, of analytisation of proofs),
b/ a new science emerged : the theory of the transformation of information a.k.a Computing and computability theory (Church, Turing).
In my talk, I will show how the dialogue between these scientific programmes (Proof Theory and Computing Theory) around a common question (Sense in time and space) gave to the husserlian project toward the constitution of a transcendental Logic a renewed actuality.