[Apologies for multiple postings.]
================================ Call for Submissions
APLAS 2024 Student Research Competition (SRC) and Posters 22--25 October, Kyoto, Japan
https://conf.researchr.org/track/aplas-2024/src-and-posters%3F ================================
The APLAS 2024 Student Research Competition (SRC) aims to provide opportunities for students to present their ongoing work to the community and receive feedback.
The associated poster session also welcomes contributions from the entire community (not restricted to students).
---------------------------------------------------------------- Student Research Competition ----------------------------------------------------------------
The SRC consists of three rounds: extended abstracts, posters, and finalist presentations. Submissions to the SRC should present unpublished work that falls within the scope of APLAS. The work should be conducted by a single student, or be a part of joint work for which the student is solely responsible.
An extended abstract should explain the work in an accessible way to an audience with a general background in programming language research. It should also demonstrate that there is sufficient material for a poster, and clearly indicate to which extent the student contributes to the work, especially when the work is a joint effort. A selection committee will review the submitted extended abstracts and provide feedback.
After an extended abstract is accepted, the student should prepare a poster for the poster session of the conference. During this session, the student will present their work to interested conference participants, using the poster as a visual aid. Furthermore, posters will be displayed throughout the conference.
Based on the extended abstracts and posters, a panel of judges will select several finalists to present their work to all conference participants in a dedicated session of the conference. (If time permits, all the SRC entrants will be invited as finalists.) Each finalist presentation is scheduled for 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of questions from the audience.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Non-SRC Posters ----------------------------------------------------------------
Non-SRC poster submissions should fall within the scope of APLAS, and can present either unpublished or published work. They should first be submitted in the form of extended abstracts to be reviewed by the selection committee. For each accepted submission, at least one author should present the work during the poster session.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Submission Information ----------------------------------------------------------------
Extended abstracts (for both SRC and non-SRC submissions) should be
formatted using the acmart LaTeX template with the options sigplan and review enabled (so that there are two columns and line numbers), no longer than 3 pages (excluding bibliography), and submitted online via EasyChair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aplas2024srcposters .
For an SRC submission, the student should be the sole author. However, on the EasyChair submission form please list the supervisor(s) as author(s) after the student, so that reviewers and judges can identify any conflicts of interest.
Posters will be collected electronically and printed on-site by the organisers in A0 size with colour. Authors can choose to bring back their printed posters at the end of the conference.
Extended abstracts and posters will be made available on the website indefinitely, unless authors choose to opt out.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Organization ----------------------------------------------------------------
Koko Muroya (RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan) Yudai Tanabe (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Selection Committee:
Koko Muroya (RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan) Yudai Tanabe (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Liang-Ting Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Hsiang-Shang ‘Josh’ Ko (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Shankaranarayanan Krishna (IIT Bombay, India) Woosuk Lee (Hanyang University, South Korea) Jihyeok Park (Korea University, South Korea) Xiaokang Qiu (Purdue University, United States) Taro Sekiyama (National Institute of Informatics, Japan) YungYu Zhuang (National Central University, Taiwan)
Check https://conf.researchr.org/track/aplas-2024/src-and-posters%3F for updates.