7th International Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science
June 13 - 16, 2017
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Abstract submission: April 3, 2017 Paper submission: April 7, 2017 Author notification: May 15, 2017 Final version due: May 31, 2017
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CALCO aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with interests in foundational aspects, and both traditional and emerging uses of algebra and coalgebra in computer science.
It is a high-level, bi-annual conference formed by joining the forces and reputations of CMCS (the International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science), and WADT (the Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques). Previous CALCO editions took place in Swansea (Wales, 2005), Bergen (Norway, 2007), Udine (Italy, 2009), Winchester (UK, 2011), Warsaw (Poland, 2013) and Nijmegen (the Netherlands, 2015).
The seventh edition will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, colocated with MFPS XXXIII.
Nicoletta Sabadini - University of Insubria, IT Alex Simpson - University of Ljubljana, SL
*Joint Session with MFPS on Metrics, Privacy and Learning:*
James Worrell - University of Oxford, UK (Tutorial)
*Further Invited Speakers:*
Catuscia Palamidessi - Ecole polytechnique, FR Vincent Danos - Ecole normale superieure, FR Marco Gaboardi - University at Buffalo, USA
We invite submissions of technical papers that report results of theoretical work on the mathematics of algebras and coalgebras, the way these results can support methods and techniques for software development, as well as experience with the transfer of the resulting technologies into industrial practice. We encourage submissions in topics included or related to those listed below.
* Abstract models and logics - Automata and languages - Categorical semantics - Modal logics - Relational systems - Graph transformation - Term rewriting
* Specialised models and calculi - Hybrid, probabilistic, and timed systems - Calculi and models of concurrent, distributed, mobile, and context-aware computing - General systems theory and computational models (chemical, biological, etc.)
* Algebraic and coalgebraic semantics - Abstract data types - Inductive and coinductive methods - Re-engineering techniques (program transformation) - Semantics of conceptual modelling methods and techniques - Semantics of programming languages
* System specification and verification - Algebraic and coalgebraic specification - Formal testing and quality assurance - Validation and verification - Generative programming and model-driven development - Models, correctness and (re)configuration of hardware/middleware/architectures, - Process algebra
* Corecursion in Programming Languages - Corecursion in logic / constraint / functional / answer set programming - Corecursive type inference - Coinductive methods for proving program properties - Implementing corecursion - Applications
* Algebra and Coalgebra in quantum computing - Categorical semantics for quantum computing - Quantum calculi and programming languages - Foundational structures for quantum computing - Applications of quantum algebra
* String Diagrams and Network Theory - Combinatorial approaches - Theory of PROPs and operads - Rewriting problems and higher-dimensional approaches - Automated reasoning with string diagrams - Applications of string diagrams - Connections with Control Theory, Engineering and Concurrency
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers in English presenting original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Experience papers are welcome, but they must clearly present general lessons learned that would be of interest and benefit to a broad audience of both researchers and practitioners.
Proceedings will be published in the Dagstuhl LIPIcs???Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics series. Final papers should be no more than 15 pages long in the format specified by LIPIcs (http://www.dagstuhl.de/publikationen/lipics/anleitung-fuer-autoren/). It is recommended that submissions adhere to that format and length. Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected immediately. Proofs omitted due to space limitations may be included in a clearly marked appendix. Both an abstract and the full paper must be submitted by their respective submission deadlines.
A special issue of the open access journal Logical Methods in Computer Science (http://www.lmcs-online.org), containing extended versions of selected papers, is also being planned.
Submissions will be handled via EasyChair https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=calco2017
This edition of CALCO will feature two awards: a Best Paper Award whose recipients will be selected by the PC before the conference and a Best Presentation Award, elected by the participants.
Abstract submission: April 3, 2017 Paper submission: April 7, 2017 Author notification: May 15, 2017 Final version due: May 31, 2017
Andrej Bauer (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Filippo Bonchi (ENS Lyon, France, co-chair) Marcello Bonsangue (University of Leiden, Netherlands) Corina Cirstea (University of Southampton, UK) Robin Cockett (University of Calgary, Canada) Andrea Corradini (University of Pisa, Italy) Sergey Goncharov (Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany) Helle Hvid Hansen (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) Ichiro Hasuo (University of Tokyo, Japan) Tobias Heindel (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Tom Hirschowitz (Savoie Mont Blanc University, France) Bart Jacobs (University of Nijmegen, Netherlands) Bartek Klin (Warsaw University, Poland) Barbara Koenig (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, co-chair) Alexander Kurz (University of Leicester, UK) Paul Levy (University of Birmingham, UK) Radu Mardare (Aalborg University, Denmark) Stefan Milius (Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany) Samuel Mimram (Ecole Polytechnique, France) Till Mossakowski (Universitaet Magdeburg, Germany) Larry Moss (Indiana University, US) Daniela Petrisan (Universite Paris-Diderot, France) John Power (University of Bath, UK) Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois, US) Jan Rutten (CWI, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands) Peter Selinger (Dalhousie University, Canada) Alexandra Silva (University College London, UK) Pawel Sobocinski (University of Southampton, UK) Ana Sokolova (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Andrej Bauer (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Matija Pretnar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Fabio Zanasi (University College London, UK)
The CALCO Early Ideas Workshop is intended to enable presentation of work in progress and original research proposals. PhD students and young researchers are particularly encouraged to contribute.
The CALCO Tools Workshop is dedicated to tools based on algebraic and/or coalgebraic principles.
CALCO 2017 will run together with the CALCO Early Ideas Workshop, with dedicated sessions at the end of each conference day. CALCO Tools will take place on June 13.
[For admin and other information see: http://www.mta.ca/~cat-dist/ ]