CFP – AWPL 2018
Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL) is an event-series initiated by a group of Asian logicians, and in 2012 the first installment took place at the JAIST in Japan. It is devoted to promote awareness, understanding, and collaborations among researchers in philosophical logic and related fields. The workshop emphasizes the interplay of philosophical ideas and formal theories. Topics of interest include non-classical logics, philosophical logics, algebraic logics, and their applications in computer science, cognitive science, and social sciences. The second and third workshop took place successfully in Guangzhou (2014) and Taipei (2016), respectively. And the two post conference proceedings were published in the Studia Logica book series "Logic in Asia” ( ) with Springer.
The Fourth Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL 2018) will be held in Beijing, China, on 20-21 October 2018, organized by the Tsinghua-UvA Joint Research Centre for Logic at Tsinghua University.
INVITED SPEAKERS Bo An (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Sergei Artemov (City University of New York, United States) Kamal Lodaya (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India) Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University, Japan)
INVITED TUTORIAL Melvin Fitting (City University of New York, United States)
SUBMISSION All submissions should present original works not previously published. Submissions should be typeset in English with single-space and 12pt-size, be prepared as a .pdf file with at most 12 (A4-size) pages (including reference list, appendixes, acknowledgements, etc.), and be sent to the workshop electronically via EasyChair ( ) by the corresponding author on time. It is assumed that, once a submission is accepted, at least one of its authors will attend the workshop and present the accepted work. After the workshop, selected submissions will be invited to revise and submit to a post conference proceedings, to be published in the "Logic in Asia" series.
IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: 1 June 2018, 24:00 (UTC -12:00) Notification: 1 July 2018 Workshop: 20-21 October 2018
PROGRAM COMMITTEE Nick Bezhanishvili, University of Amsterdam Sujata Ghosh, Indian Statistical Institute Jiahong Guo, Beijing Normal University Meiyun Guo, South-West University, China Fengkui Ju, Beijing Normal University Kok-Yong Lee, National Chung Cheng University Beishui Liao, Zhejiang University Hanti Lin, University of California Davis Fenrong Liu, Tsinghua University, chair Hu Liu, Sun Yat-Sen University, China Xinwen Liu, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Minghui Ma, Sun Yat-Sen University, China Hiroakira Ono, JAIST, chair Eric Pacuit, University of Maryland Olivier Roy, University of Bayreuth Katsuhiko Sano, Hokkaido University Yi N. Wang, Zhejiang University Chin-Mu Yang, Taiwan National University Jiji Zhang, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Yu Chen, Tsinghua University Haibin Gui, Tsinghua University Dazhu Li, Tsinghua University Junhua Yu, Tsinghua University, chair
The AWPL is co-located with the workshop "Tsinghua meets CUNY" that will take place on 19 October 2018, all AWPL participants are invited to join that event too.
アクセリア株式会社と北陸先端科学技術大学院大学のプライニングです。 今年の9月に行う証明論理サマースクールとワークショップのお知らせです。 重複して受け取られた場合はご容赦ください。
1st International Summer School on Proof Theory Ghent, September 2-5, 2018
Workshop on Proof Theory Ghent, September 6-7, 2018
The 1st International Summer School for Proof Theory in Ghent is arranged under the auspices of The Proof Society, and is sponsored by the Kurt Gödel Society. The Proof Society has recently been formed to support the notion of proof in its broadest sense, through a series of suitable activities; to be therefore inclusive in reaching out to all scientific areas which consider proof as an object in their studies; to enable the community to shape its future by identifying, formulating and communicating its most important goals; to actively promote proof to increase its visibility and representation.
The aim of the summer school is to cover basic and advanced topics in proof theory. The focus of the first edition will be on structural proof theory, ordinal analysis, provability logic, automated theorem proving, and philosophical aspects of proof. Other areas like reverse mathematics, proof mining, and proof complexity will be covered at the workshop, and in follow up summer schools. The intended audience is advanced master students, PhD students, postdocs and experienced researchers in mathematics, computer science and philosophy.
The summer school is co-located with a workshop on proof theory in Ghent (6-7 September). The workshop will be the inaugural meeting of The Proof Society. Students are invited to apply with an informal abstract (1 page) to the poster session which will be held as part of the workshop.
Scientific Programme ====================
The summer school will provide six courses: Cut Elimination by Matthias Baaz (TU Wien) Ordinals and their applications by Andreas Weiermann (Ghent University) Philosophy of Proof Theory by Carlo Nicolai (King's College London) Provability Logic by David Fernandez Duque (Ghent University) Proof Theory in Computer Science by Andrei Voronkov (University of Manchester) Programme Extraction by Monika Seisenberger (Swansea University)
In addition there will be one special evening lecture: Selected topics from the Theory of Truth by Rafal Urbaniak (Ghent University)
Registration ============
Information about registration will be available from the website soon.
Programme Committee ===================
Bahareh Afshari, University of Gothenburg Matthias Baaz, TU Wien Arnold Beckmann, Swansea University (Chair) Lev Beklemishev, Steklov Mathematical Institute Balthasar Grabmayr, Humboldt University Berlin Rosalie Iemhoff, Utrecht University Joost Joosten, University of Barcelona Antonina Kolokolova, Memorial University of Newfoundland Norbert Preining, Accelia Inc. Andreas Weiermann, Ghent University
Local organizing committee ==========================
Arnold Beckmann, Swansea University David Belanger, Ghent University David Fernandez-Duque, Ghent University Lenny Neyt, Ghent University Rafal Urbaniak, Ghent University Andreas Weiermann, Ghent University (Chair)
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