Kyoto Philosophical Logic Workshop IIIのご案内 (重複してお受け取りの際はご容赦ください。)
------------------------------------- Kyoto Philosophical Logic Workshop III
【日時】2017年9月7日, 8日, 9日 【場所】京都大学 吉田泉殿(7日、9日)、芝蘭会館別館(8日) 【ウェブサイト】 【プログラム】 September 7: The third workshop on connexive logic, co-organized by Heinrich Wansing and Hitoshi Omori 11:00--12:00 Norihiro Kamide "Bi-classical connexive logic and its modal extension: Cut-elimination, completeness and duality" 12:00--13:00 Tomasz Jarmużek "Connexive logics defined by relating semantics and tableau approach" 13:00--14:30 Lunch 14:30--15:00 Sara Ipakchi "A justification for Aristotle Thesis AT on the basis of LNC" 15:00--16:00 Wolfgang Lenzen "Is connexive logic based on a gross misunderstanding? A Leibnitian approach" 16:00--16:15 Coffee break 16:15--17:15 Heinrich Wansing "Connexive Logic and Chellas-Segerberg Semantics" 17:15--18:15 Andreas Kapsner "What is Connexivity? Lessons from Constructive and Conditional Logics" 19:00-- Dinner
September 8: 09:15--10:15 Yasuo Deguchi "Analytic Nishida: Metaphysics of Self and Non-classial Logic" 10:15--11:15 Rafał Urbaniak "Paradoxes of informal provability and many-valued indeterministic provability logic" 11:15--12:15 Toshiharu Waragai "Lesniewski's Ontology from a Syllogistic Point of View" 12:15--13:30 Lunch Special session on Leibniz's logic 13:30--14:30 Ryosuke Igarashi "A Comparison of the Logical Systems of Leibniz and Kant" 14:30--15:30 Hiroyuki Inaoka "Mathematics as make-believe: Infinite diagram in Leibniz's mathematical study" 15:30--15:45 Coffee break 15:45--16:45 Shinji Ikeda "Extension and Space in Leibniz’s Theory of Abstraction" 16:45--17:45 Wolfgang Lenzen "The evolution of the system of Leibniz’s logic" 18:30-- Dinner
September 9: 10:00--11:00 Vít Punčochář "Between material and strict implication" 11:00--12:00 Igor Sedlár "Term negation in first-order logic" 12:00--13:30 Lunch 13:30--14:30 Yasuo Nakayama "Philosophical Basis for Dynamic Belief-Desire-Obligation Logic" 14:30--15:30 Shunsuke Yatabe "TBA" 15:30--15:45 Coffee break 15:45--16:45 Makoto Kanazawa "Lambek Calculus and Context-Free Grammars: Some Unresolved Issues" 16:45--17:45 Heinrich Wansing "Disentangling FDE-based Paraconsistent Modal Logics" 18:30-- Dinner -------------------------------------