8月に湘南で開催されるCoqのサマースクールの案内を送ります。 皆様の意見を受け、前回のメールに比べて参加者像を少し広げました。 Coqを思う存分にやりたい方を歓迎します。
制度の都合で参加申込の〆切が少し早いですが、 よろしくお願いします。
--- We are pleased to announce the NII International Summer School on the proof assistant Coq to be held from Monday, August 25th to Friday, August 29th, 2014 at Shonan Village Center in Japan. This school is sponsored by Inria and JFLI, CNRS.
Application is open to Master students, PhD students, and people from academy or industry who want to use Coq in their work. We might also consider applications by Bachelor students in exceptional cases. While the level of the lectures is intended to be accessible to motivated beginners (with some background in logic or mathematics), it should also be interesting to Coq users who wish to deepen their understanding of the system.
Because of limited space, there will be a pre-selection of participants by the organizers. If you wish to participate, please send as soon as possible and no later than May 2th, an email explaining in a few words why you wish to participate at:
In case of students, please also submit a recommendation letter by one of your professors.
The participation fee including full board, meeting fees and applicable taxes is 12,500 JPY per day plus an excursion fee of around 5,000 JPY.
Further information can be found at:
Pierre Casteran, Jacques Garrigue, David Nowak