Last Call for Papers (submission deadline: March 22, 2011)
12th Meeting on Mathematics of Language
Tokyo, September 5–7, 2011
Invited Speakers
• Kit Fine, New York University • Andreas Maletti, Universität Stuttgart
MOL 12 is the 12th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language, to be held at the National Center of Sciences in Tokyo from September 5 through 7, 2011. MOL meetings are organized biennially by the Association for Mathematics of Language, which is a Special Interest Group of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Previous meetings were held at Bielefeld University (2009), UCLA (2007), the University of Edinburgh (2005), and Indiana University (2003).
Aims and Scope
MOL (Mathematics of Language) is a biennial conference devoted to the mathematical study of languages and linguistics. Contributions to all areas of this field are welcome. The topics within the scope of the conference include, but are by no means limited to:
• complexity and generative capacity of grammar formalisms • formal analysis of linguistic theories and frameworks • model-theoretic and proof-theoretic methods in linguistics • mathematical foundations of statistical and stochastic approaches to language analysis • formal models of language use and language change
Submission Guideline
We invite submission of original, unpublished papers suitable for 30-minute presentations. Papers should report original work which has not been presented at other conferences with published proceedings. Simultaneous submission to other conferences is allowed, provided that the authors indicate which other conferences the paper is submitted to. A paper is accepted on the condition that it will not be presented at any other venues.
Papers should not exceed 18 pages, including references and appendices (if any), and should be prepared in LaTeX using the Springer LNCS class files available atftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/llncs/latex2e/llncs2e.zip.
Papers must be submitted electronically at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mol12.
Submissions will be reviewed anonymously by at least three reviewers.
The proceedings will be published by the time of the conference in the FoLLI LNAI subline of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Important Dates
• Deadline for submission: March 22, 2011 • Notification to authors: May 16, 2011 • Deadline for camera-ready copies for the proceedings: June 1, 2011 • Conference: September 5-7, 2011
Program Committee
• Patrick Blackburn • Alexander Clark • Philippe de Groote • Aravind Joshi • Greg Kobele • Andras Kornai • Marcus Kracht (Chair) • Natasha Kurtonina • Michael Moortgat • Larry Moss • Gerald Penn • Sylvain Pogodalla • James Rogers • Sylvain Salvati • Hiroyuki Seki • Ed Stabler • Hans-Jörg Tiede
Organizing Committee
• Makoto Kanazawa (Chair) • Ryo Yoshinaka