お茶の水女子大学の峯島と申します。 11月22日から24日にかけて東京で開催される国際ワークショップ LENLS 11のご案内をお送り致します。
Online Registrationの締め切りが 11月10日(月曜) に迫っております。 Registrationの方法につきましては、以下のページをご覧ください。
峯島 宏次(お茶の水女子大学・JST CREST)
[Apologies for multiple copies] ================================================================= CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 11 (LENLS11)
Dates : November 22-24, 2014 Workshop Site : (22nd) Ochanomizu University Room 207-209, Science Building 3, Tokyo, Japan http://www.ocha.ac.jp/en/index.html (23rd,24th) Raiousha Building, Keio University, Hiyoshi campus, Kanagawa, Japan http://www.keio.ac.jp/en/maps/hiyoshi.html Contact Person: Koji Mineshima (Ochanomizu University) Contact Email : lenls11[[at]]easychair.org Website : http://www.is.ocha.ac.jp/%E2%80%BEbekki/lenls/ =================================================================
Chair: Koji Mineshima (Ochanomizu University) Co-chair: Daisuke Bekki (Ochanomizu University /National Institute of Informatics/JST CREST) Eric McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Invited Speakers: - Chris Barkar (New York University) - Kimiko Nakanishi (Ochanomizu University) - Matthew Stone (Rutgers University) - Christopher Tancredi (Keio University)
LENLS is an annual international workshop on formal syntax, semantics and pragmatics. It will be held as one of the workshops of the Sixth JSAI International Symposia on AI (isAI2014) (http://www.ai-gakkai.or.jp/isai/) sponsored by the Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) (http://www.ai-gakkai.or.jp/en).
Important dates: ================ Deadline for onsite registration: November 10, 2014 LENLS11: November 22-24, 2014
We will also hold a one-day workshop at Kyoto University on November 28, 2014, with two invited speakers, Chris Barkar and Matthew Stone. The detailed information will be announced on the website. http://www.is.ocha.ac.jp/~bekki/lenls/
Registration: ============= The proceedings of the workshop will be available at the conference site for registered persons. Please follow the link below and register yourself until **10th November 2014**.
Program: ======== 1st Day: November 22th (Sat), 2014 @Ochanomizu University ------------------------- 12:30-12:50: Reception 12:50-13:00: Opening Remarks 13:00-14:30: Session 1 * Kristina Liefke "Codability and Robustness in Formal Natural Language Semantics" * Alain Lecomte "An interaction framework for dialogue: combining Ludics and Type Theory with Records" * Yurie Hara "Radical Inquisitive Investigation into Cantonese Biased and Neutral Questions"
14:30-14:45: Coffee Break 14:45-16:15: Session 2 * Stergios Chatzikyriakidis and Zhaohui Luo "Using Signatures in Type Theory to Represent Situations" * Ribeka Tanaka, Koji Mineshima and Daisuke Bekki "Resolving Modal Anaphora in Dependent Type Semantics" * Krystian Jobczyk "Temporal verbs and adverbs: 'often' and 'many times' and their fuzzy-integral-logic based modelling"
16:15-16:30: Coffee Break 16:30-17:30: Invited Talk 1 * Kimiko Nakanishi "Scalarity of EVEN"
2nd Day: November 23th (Sun), 2014 @Keio University, Hiyoshi campus ------------------------- 9:00-9:30: Registration and Coffee Break 9:30-10:30: Invited Talk 2 * Mizoguchi Riichiro "Ontology engineering - Theory and practice -" (from the JURISIN workshop)
10:30-10:45: Coffee Break 10:45-12:00: Student Session * Daniel Tiskin "Specific Opaque Readings and Proportional Determiners" * Makiko Kato "Japanese plural marker 'tachi' and associativity" * Yu-Mi Jo "Temporal Pluractional Adverbs in Korean: Focusing on Tatali, Nanali, and Halwuhalwu"
12:00-13:00: Lunch 13:00-14:30: Session 3 * Daisuke Bekki and Eric McCready "CI via DTS" * Bruno Mery, Richard Moot and Christian Retore "Computing the Semantics of Massive Entities using Many-Sorted Types" * Oleg Kiselyov "Canonical Constituents and Non-canonical Coordination: Simple Categorial Grammar account"
14:30-14:45: Coffee Break 14:45-15:45: Session 4 * Eric McCready "Honorific Denotations" * Philippe de Groote and Yoad Winter "A type-logical account of quantification in event semantics"
15:45-16:00: Coffee Break 16:00-17:00: Invited Talk 3 * Matthew Stone "Logic and Probability in Grounded Semantics" (shared with the JURISIN workshop)
17:00-17:15: Coffee Break 17:15-18:15: Invited Talk 4 * Chris Tancredi "Focus and Givenness"
3rd Day: November 24th (Mon), 2014 @Keio University, Hiyoshi campus ------------------------- 9:30-10:00: Coffee Break 10:00-11:30: Session 5 * Lisa Bylinina, Natalia Ivlieva, Alexander Podobryaev and Yasutada Sudo "A Non-Superlative Semantics for Ordinals and the Syntax of Comparison Classes" * Laurent Prevot and Jan Gorisch "Crossing Empirical and Formal approaches for studying French feedback items" * Alastair Butler and Kei Yoshimoto "Semantic Visualisation with Flame Graphs"
11:30-13:00: Lunch 13:00-14:30: Session 6 * Lasha Abzianidze "Towards a Wide-coverage Tableau Method for Natural Logic" * Elena Castroviejo and Berit Gehrke "A good intensifier" * Shinya Okano and Yoshiki Mori "On CG management of Japanese weak necessity modal 'hazu'"
14:30-14:45: Coffee Break 14:45-16:15: Session 7 * Satoru Suzuki "Measurement-Theoretic Foundations of Observational-Predicate Logic" * Yasuo Nakayama "Formal Analysis of Epistemic Modalities and Conditionals based on Logic of Belief Structures" * Zhiguo Xie "An epistemic modal for strict comparison in Mandarin Chinese"
16:15-16:30: Coffee Break 16:30-17:30: Invited Talk 5 * Chris Barkar "The Logic of Scope"
Alternates ---------- * Osamu Sawada "Polarity sensitivity and update refusal: the case of the Japanese negative 'totemo'" * Richard Zuber "On the logical reducibility of reflexives"
Post Proceedings =========== Selected papers will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI).
Sponsor: ======== LENLS is being organized by an alliance of "Establishment of Knowledge-Intensive Structural Natural Language Processing and Construction of Knowledge Infrastructure" (http://nlp.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/CREST/?en) project, funded by JST CREST Programs "Advanced Core Technologies for Big Data Integration" (http://www.jst.go.jp/kisoken/crest/en/research_area/ongoing/areah25-6.html).
Workshop Organizers/Program Committee: ====================================== - Koji Mineshima (Ochanomizu University) - Daisuke Bekki (Ochanomizu University/National Institute of Informatics) - Alastair Butler (Tohoku University) - Richard Dietz (University of Tokyo) - Eric McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University) - Yoshiki Mori (University of Tokyo) - Yasuo Nakayama (Osaka University) - Katsuhiko Sano (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) - Katsuhiko Yabushita (Naruto University of Education) - Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University) - Shunsuke Yatabe (Kyoto University) - Kei Yoshimoto (Tohoku University)