------------------------------------------------------------------ The International Interdisciplinary Conference Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2012 (PhML 2012)
St. Petersburg, Russia, May 22-25, 2012
http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2012/PhML/index.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------
AIM and SCOPE =============
The PhML 2012 is a sequel in the series of conferences "Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction" intended to provide a forum for presentation of current researches, and to stimulate a dialogue between mathematicians, logicians, philosophers, linguists and computer scientists who share an interest in cross-disciplinary research. The conference will have plenary sessions to present the latest researches. In addition to plenary sessions, the conference will feature a panel discussion entitled "The Heritage of Kant and Contemporary Formal Logic". Apart from plenary sessions, there will also be parallel sessions of thematic sections to present contributed papers.
The PhML 2012 will be held on May 22$BK(J5, 2012, at the Euler International Mathematical Institute (EIMI), which is a part of the St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute (PDMI).
PLENARY SPEAKERS ================
Theodora Achourioti (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands) Michel De Glas (CNRS - University Paris$BK%(Jiderot, France) Dmitry Grigoriev (CNRS - University Lille 1, France) Gerhard Heinzmann (Archives Henri-Poincare (UMR 7117) University of Lorraine/CNRS, France) Jaakko Hintikka (Boston University, USA) Edward Karavaev (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) Michiel van Lambalgen (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands) Yuri Manin (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Germany)- to be confirmed Grigori Mints (Stanford University, USA) Andrey Patkul (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) Jeff Pelletier (University of Alberta, Canada) Graham Priest (City University of New York, USA, University of Melbourne, Australia) Oleg Prosorov (PDMI, St. Petersburg, Russia) Andrei Rodin (University Paris$BK%(Jiderot, France) Gabriel Sandu (University of Helsinki, Finland) Anatol Slissenko (University Paris$BK&(Jst Cr$BqU(Jeil, LACL, France)
CALL for PAPERS ===============
The PhML 2012 invites to submit papers relating to the interplay between philosophy, mathematics and linguistics for presentation at thematic sections. Each presentation of a contributed paper will be allotted 25 min, including 5 min for discussion. Presentations should be given in English. Papers from any tradition and from a wide variety of perspectives are welcome, including but in no way limited to the following topics:
- New trends in the foundations of mathematics today; - Ontology of mathematics and the nature of mathematical truth; - The problem of abstract entities in mathematics, philosophy and linguistics; - Formalization of Kant's logic and theory of judgments; - The mathematical concept of a function: from the notions of mapping, transformation towards the notion of an algorithm; - Complexity of finite objects: limited possibilities of man and computer; - Novel computational models and paradigms; - Philosophical and mathematical aspects of informatics; - Philosophical aspects of the use of natural language in mathematics; - Mathematical investigation of natural language structures; - Mathematical models in the study of language.
PAPER SUBMISSION ================
Papers should be prepared in LaTeX or MS Word using style files of PhML format and be submitted electronically as pdf and source files via e-mail:
IMPORTANT DATES: ================
- Submission deadline for contributed papers: March 1st, 2012 - Notification of acceptance: March 15th, 2012 - Final date for camera-ready copy: April 22nd, 2012 - Conference: May 22-25, 2012 - Panel discussion: May 23, 2012
PROCEEDINGS ===========
The proceedings of PhML 2012 will be published by PDMI in the local series with ISBN no.
ORGANIZING / PROGRAM COMMITTEE ==============================
Edward Karavaev (St. Petersburg State University, Russia), Elena Lisanyuk (St. Petersburg State University, Russia), Ivan Mikirtumov (St. Petersburg State University, Russia), Yuri Nechitajlov (St. Petersburg State University, Russia), Vladimir Orevkov (PDMI, St. Petersburg, Russia), co-chair, Oleg Prosorov (PDMI, St. Petersburg, Russia), co-chair, Anatol Slissenko (University Paris$BK&(Jst Cr$BqU(Jeil, LACL, France).
PARTICIPATION =============
For registration and further practical information, see: