来週3月11日〜15日に名古屋大学で開催される国際会議 CCR 2024: The 17th International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness の最終案内をさせていただきます.
Seventeenth International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2024)
March 11-15, 2024 Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
TOPICS: * Algorithmic randomness * Computability theory * Kolmogorov complexity * Computational complexity * Reverse mathematics and logic
INVITED SPEAKERS: * Juan Aguilera, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria * Wesley Calvert, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA * Leonardo Coregliano, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA * Makoto Fujiwara, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan * Liling Ko, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA * Russell Miller, Queens College (CUNY), New York, USA * Sewon Park, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan * Francesca Zaffora Blando, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE: * Jörg Brendle (Kobe University, Japan) * Johanna Franklin, co-chair (Hofstra University, USA) * Jun Le Goh (National University of Singapore) * Takayuki Kihara, co-chair (Nagoya University, Japan) * Margarita Marchuk (Novosibirsk State University, Russia) * Arno Pauly (Swansea University, UK) * Svetlana Selivanova (KAIST, Korea) * Keita Yokoyama (Tohoku University, Japan)
ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: CCR 2024 is the 17th edition of the International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness, a series of conferences devoted generally to the mathematics of computation and complexity but that tends to primarily focus on algorithmic randomness/algorithmic information theory and its impact on mathematics. Previous editions of the conference have been held at Cordoba (Argentina), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Nanjing (China), Luminy (France), Notre Dame (USA), Cape Town (South Africa), Cambridge (UK), Moscow (Russia), Singapore, Heidelberg (Germany), Honolulu (USA), Mysore (India), Santiago de Chile (Chile), Astana (Kazakhstan), Cambridge (UK), and Lake Kochel (Germany).
木原 貴行 名古屋大学 大学院情報学研究科 数理情報学専攻 URL: http://math.mi.i.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~kihara/index-j.html Email: [email protected]