来年1月10日(木)に北陸先端科学技術大学院大学で行われます Arnold Beckmann 教授の講演のお知らせです。皆様、どうぞ奮って ご参加ください。
廣川 直 (JAIST)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- * JAIST Logic Seminar Series *
Date: Thursday 10 January, 2019 (Thu) 13:30 - 15:00
Place: I-56 (Collaboration Room 7) at JAIST (Access: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/english/location/access.html)
Speaker: Prof. Arnold Beckmann (Swansea University)
Title: Blockchain for Asset Reuse
Abstract: We will consider how physical asset assemblies can be traced from cradle to grave via security tags linked to a blockchain system. The vision is that such blockchain enhanced asset systems will be important to enable a circular economy, in which all kind of goods, ranging from washing machines to cars, are being disassembled and reassembled, with increased asset reuse and material recycling. We will explain the basic principles behind this vision, and describe a blockchain demonstrator that realises a part of it.
This is joint work with Michael Breach from Oyster Bay Systems, a Swansea based FinTech company. -----------------------------------------------------------------------