sonoteno, logic-ml, jssst-ppl 各メーリングリストの皆様、
京都産業大学理学部数理科学科の三好博之です。 先ほど、蓮尾さんから東京大学でのBakhadyr Khoussainovさんの 講演会のアナウンスが有りましたが、京都産業大学でも 明日10/23(水) 14:00-15:00 に京都産業大学万有館 (バスプールからエスカレーターを2つ乗り継いだ正面の建物) 3階セミナー室にて談話会が行われます。東大の講演より 少し時間が短いですがAbstractを見るとだいたい同じ内容のようです。 アナウンスが遅れて申し訳ありませんが皆様の参加をお待ちしています。
******************************************* Speaker Bakhadyr Khoussainov 氏(University of Auckland)
Title An excursion to computable structures
Date 2013年10月23日(水) 14:00--15:00
Place 万有館3階セミナー室
Abstract In this talk we introduce the concept of computable structure. We discuss the history of the subject, present motivation, topics and questions that have developed the subject over many years. We explain the role of computability and logic in the study of various mathematical structures. The talk will be quite informal, non-technical, and will contain a good amount of examples and explanations.
2013/10/22 Ichiro Hasuo [email protected]:
Dear all,
Friday next week we have Bakhadyr Khoussainov from University of Auckland visiting us in U Tokyo and making a talk on automatic structures (NB. automaton -> automatic). No registration needed. See you there!
Best regards, Ichiro Hasuo
Fri 1 November 2013, 10:30-12:00
Bakhadyr Khoussainov (U. Auckland), An excursion from computable to automatic structures
理学部7号館地下 007教室 (いつもの1階の部屋ではありません) Room 007 (underground floor), School of Science Bldg. No. 7
アクセス: Access:
In this talk we introduce two classes of structures: computable structures and automatic structures. We present several examples, theorems, research topics in the areas, and discuss their motivations, proofs and importance. The goal will be to make a transition from computable to automatic structures with an eye towards decidability. We also give some historical perspective.
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