11月に京都で開催されるICFEM 2012の参加募集を投稿させて頂きます. 是非参加をご検討下さい.
************************************************************ ICFEM 2012: 14th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods 12th-16th, November, 2012 Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan URL: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/icfem2012 ************************************************************
REGISTRATION ------------ Registration for ICFEM 2012 is now open. Please visit
To take advantage of early registration, kindly register before August 31, 2012. We encourage you to reserve your hotel rooms ASAP, since it is a peak season in Kyoto for brilliant autumn leaves!
This year's ICFEM has four affiliated workshops and a tutorial, and three prominent invited speakers. The program will be announced at the conference web site shortly.
CO-LOCATED EVENTS ----------------- - FTSCS 2012 : First International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems, http://www.ftscs12.org/
- WSOFL 2012 : 2nd Workshop on SOFL, http://icfem-fema.org/sofl/
- Event-B 2012 : DS-Event-B-2012: Workshop on the experience of and advances in developing dependable systems in Event-B, http://research.nii.ac.jp/eventb2012/
- Japanese Workshop on Industrial Applications of Formal Methods
- CbC-Depend: Correct-by-Construction Development of Dependable Systems, Tutorial, http://www.rodintools.org/tutorial.html
INVITED SPEAKERS ---------------- - Darren Cofer (Rockwell Collins, USA), "Formal Methods in the Aerospace Industry: Follow the Money" - Robert Shostak (Vocera Communications, Inc., USA), "Applying Term Rewriting to Speech Recognition of Numbers" - Mario Tokoro (Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc., Japan), "Toward Practical Application of Formal Methods in Software Lifecycle Processes"
ACCEPTED PAPERS --------------- The list of accepted papers may be found at: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/icfem2012/acceptedPapers/index.html
ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE ----------------------- General Chairs: Kokichi Futatsugi, JAIST, Japan Shaoying Liu, Hosei Uni., Japan
Conference Chair: Hitoshi Ohsaki, AIST, Japan
Program Chairs: Kenji Taguchi, AIST, Japan Toshiaki Aoki, JAIST, Japan