本メーリングリストをお借りして、国立情報学研究所の主催で、アジアに おける最初のダグスツールスタイル・セミナーとなる「NII湘南会議」の 企画募集をご案内させて頂きたいと思います。
NII湘南会議は、情報学の分野で世界的にトップレベルの研究者が一堂に会し、 叡智を分け合う場を提供します。会議は、毎月開催し、成田国際空港からも アクセスのよい湘南国際村センターにて行われます。富士山をバックに、 湘南海岸を眼下に見下ろす景観が楽しめます。詳しくは、リーフレット
http://www.nii.ac.jp/shonan/ (英文) http://www.nii.ac.jp/about/international/shonanmtg/ (和文概要)
企画は随時受付けておりますが、年に3回締切りがあり、直近の締切りは 9月15日で、その後12月15日、6月15日と続きます。 是非ご検討いただければ幸いです。
(1) Objective
NII Shonan Meetings, following the well-known Dagstuhl Seminars, aim to promote informatics and informatics research at an international level, by providing yet another world's premier venue for world-class scientists, promising young researchers, and practitioners to come together in Asia to exchange their knowledge, discuss their research findings, and explore a cutting-edge informatics topics.
The meetings are held in Shonan Village Center (near Tokyo), which offers a combination of facilities for conferences, trainings, lodging in a resort-like setting. The friendly and open atmosphere is to promote a culture of communication and exchange among the meeting participants. The NII Shonan Meetings are managed by National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Japan.
(2) Scope and Style
NII Shonan Meetings follow the style of the Dagstuhl Seminars. A meeting usually lasts for four days (Monday to Thursday) or shorter. It is initiated by at most three organizers (one from Asia), established leaders in their field, representing different communities invited to the Seminar, preferably from different institutions. NII invites on their behalf about 25 to 35 researchers of international standing from academia and industry.
Like Dagstuhl Seminars, an NII Shonan Meeting typically does not come with a fixed program. Instead, the pace and the program are guided by topics and presentations that evolve through discussions. In particular, NII does not require participants to submit a paper for presentation, or to give a presentation at all. On the contrary, NII encourages participants to present new ideas and work in progress.
All administrative works of meetings are supported by the NII team in the preparation phase and during the seminars themselves, so that the organizers can focus on choosing research topics and selecting active researchers for the meeting.
(3) Proposal Submissions
NII invites international standing scientists to submit proposals for international meetings (with about 25-35 participants) on any topics of informatics. The proposal should clearly motivate the topic of your seminar and include the following items:
- Meeting Title - Organizers (at most three, 1-page CV for each) - Proposed Dates for the Meeting - Description of the Meeting (1-2 pages, in English) - Invitation list (Position/First Name/Middle Name/Last Name/Affiliation/Email/Gender/URL/research list)
The proposal should be submitted via the following EasyChair page:
The proposal will be reviewed by the Academic Committee. Once the proposal is approved, our staff will help to organize the seminar.
We welcome proposal submission anytime through a whole year, although submission is closed in June 15th, September 15th and December 15th. Notification of acceptance is only made after two or three months of each closing day.
More information about submitting proposals: http://www.nii.ac.jp/shonan/proposal-submissions/
(4) Locations and Expenses
The meetings are held in Shonan Village Center (near Tokyo), whose nearest train station can be accessed by a direct train from Narita International Airport, and offers a combination of facilities for conferences, trainings, lodging in a resort-like setting.
The following rates cover overnight accommodation (single room) and full board (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) per day:
- Meeting organizers: free - Participants from academia: 8,000 Yen/day - Participants from industry: 15,000 Yen/day - Partner accompanying participant: 7,500 Yen/day (Meal charges are not included.)
(5) Organization
Organization Committee:
Yoh'ichi Tohkura (NII): Chair Isao Echizen (NII) Cheung Gene (NII) Soichiro Hidaka (NII) Zhenjiang Hu (NII) Junichi Yamagishi (NII) Toyomi Takekawa (NII)
Academic Committee:
Zhenjiang Hu (NII): Chair Akiko Aizawa (NII) Katsumi Inoue (NII) Noriko Kando (NII) Ken'ichi Kawarabayashi (NII) Jeff Kramer (Imperial College London) Kae Nemoto (NII) Bashar Nuesibeh (Lero/Open Univ.) Yoichi Sato (Univ. of Tokyo) Ken Satoh (NII) Shin'ichi Satoh (NII) Satoshi Sekine (New York Univ./Rakuten Inst. of Tech.) Akihiko Takano (NII)
(6) Inquiry
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by sending an email to
More information about NII Shonan Meetings is available at the following website:
国立情報学研究所 アーキテクチャ科学研究系 助教 日高 宗一郎 総合研究大学院大学 複合科学研究科 情報学専攻 併任 博士(工学) [email protected] http://research.nii.ac.jp/~hidaka 〒101-8430 東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2 学術総合センタービル内 TEL:03-4212-2586(直)/03-4212-2000(代) 内線2586 FAX:03-4212-2120