Kobe Colloquium on Logic, Statistics and Informatics
日時:2013年7月2日(火)13:20-14:50 講演者:John Pardo (Pennsylvania State University and JAIST) 場所:神戸大学自然科学総合研究棟3号館4階421室(プレゼンテーション室)
題目: Forcing and Basis Theorems in Computability Theory
アブストラクト: The technique of forcing, primarily known for its applications in set theory, has proven to be quite useful in computability theory as well. I will discuss how forcing is made effective in the computable sense, as well as use this technique to prove the Low Basis Theorem, the Hyper-immune free Basis Theorem, and the Cone-Avoidance Basis Theorem, all of which are due to Jockusch and Soare.
交通:阪急六甲駅またはJR六甲道駅から神戸市バス36系統「鶴甲団地」 行きに乗車,「神大本部工学部前」停留所下車,徒歩すぐ. http://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/info/access/rokko/rokkodai-dai2.htm