場所:京都大学本部構内 総合研究2号館478号室(下記リンク34番の建物です) Bakh Khoussainov (UESTC, China and The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Title: Probability structures
We develop a framework for reasoning about statistical properties in relational structures. To achieve this, we introduce smooth probability structures defined as relational structures equipped with a sequence of probability distributions.
We design a language, termed LSPS, which is dedicated to reasoning about statistical properties in relational structures. Given a smooth probability structure, with each formula $\phi(\bar{x})$ in the LSPS language we associate a family of probability spaces that encapsulate the statistical information about all tuples that satisfy $\phi$. This fusion of connecting relational structures and statistics is a novel concept. We study the questions of axiomatizability, decidability, and undecidability of valid LSPS formulas. Finally, if time permits, we initiate the investigation of algorithmic questions suited for smooth probability structures.