HART'14 (Haskell And Rewriting Techniques)のご案内です。
インフォーマルなワークショップですので、投稿はWork in progress
浜名 誠
Second Workshop on Haskell And Rewriting Techniques (HART 2014)
To be held on September 5, co-located with ICFP, the Haskell Symposium,
etc., in Gothenburg.
Haskell is an advanced purely-functional programming language. Pure
functional programming is programming with equations, often defined by
pattern-matching. Rewriting is the science of replacing equals by equals
and thus a very powerful method for dealing with equations, often
constructor-based. There are strong connections between Haskell (or
generally, pure functional) programming and rewriting. The purpose of
the HART workshop is to foster those connections.
In addition to an invited talk by Oleg Kiselyov, we plan a half day of
discussions, in an informal setting, on how Haskell (and related
languages) and rewriting techniques and theories can cross-fertilize
each other.
Topics of interest are, for example:
- equational reasoning and other rewriting techniques for program
verification and analysis;
- lambda calculi and type systems for functional programs and
higher-order rewrite systems;
- rewriting of type expressions in the type checker;
- rewriting of programs by refactoring tools, optimizers, code generators;
- execution of programs as a form of graph rewriting (terms with sharing);
- Template Haskell, generally introducing a rewriting-like macro
language into the compilation process.
This list of topics is non-exclusive. If you have a contribution that
connects Haskell and rewriting, then submit. Also, the workshop is
deliberately open for discussion of rewriting-related aspects of
languages like Agda, Clean, ...
When in doubt, please contact a member of the PC (see below).
July 2: deadline for submissions
July 21: notification of acceptance
September 5: workshop
Submission and proceedings:
We solicit two types of submissions:
- Extended abstracts. Presenting original research, and also preliminary
reports of work in progress. Will be included in the proceedings.
- Presentation-only papers. Describing work recently published or
submitted. Only abstract will be included in the proceedings.
Papers should be at most 5 pages in length, and should use the
easychair.cls style. Submission is electronically at
In line with the informal style of the workshop, the reviewing of
submissions will be light.
Proceedings will be made available electronically.
Program committee:
Program Chairs
Kristoffer Rose (Two Sigma Investments, LLC, USA)
Janis Voigtlander (University of Bonn, Germany)
Program Committee Members
Bertram Felgenhauer (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Carsten Fuhs (University College London, UK)
Andy Gill (University of Kansas, USA)
Makoto Hamana (Gunma University, Japan)
Bastiaan Heeren (Open Universiteit, Netherlands)
Femke van Raamsdonk (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Tiark Rompf (EPFL and Oracle Labs, Switzerland)
Christian Sternagel (JAIST, Japan; University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Johannes Waldmann (HTWK Leipzig, Germany)