以下の要領で名古屋集合論セミナーを開催します。 奮って御参加下さい。
日時:5月24日(金) 15:30-
場所:名古屋大学 全学教育棟3階 SIS5 教室 (http://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/2012website/global-info/images/access-map/map2.pdf の地図でB4(1)の建物です。 建物内配置図は http://www.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/student/lectureroom/ でご覧になれます。 SIS5 教室は3階の中央より少し北, C36の北隣にあります。)
講演者:池上大祐 (学振海外特別研究員, カリフォルニア大学バークレー校)
題: Inner models from logics
The goal of this research is to construct a model of set theory which is "close to" HOD but easier to analyze. The motivation comes from Woodin's HOD Conjecture, which states that HOD is very "close to" V under the presence of a very strong large cardinal (extendible cardinal). HOD Conjecture is closely related to the problem of constructing a canonical extender model with a supercompact cardinal and it has striking applications to the theory of large cardinals without the Axiom of Choice.
To solve HOD Conjecture, one would expect a fine analysis of HOD. The difficulty of the analysis of HOD lies in the fact that HOD is very "non-absolute", e.g., one could force V = HOD with a proper class partial order.
Given that HOD is obtained using full second order logic in the same way as Gödel's constructible universe L via first order logic, in this talk, we use Boolean valued higher order logics to construct inner models of set theory which are more "absolute" than HOD and investigate the properties of the models.