
慶應大 岡田光弘 峯島宏次


論理―計A算―哲学セミナーLogic-Computation-Philosophy Seminar


Prof. Thomas Seillerの講義をご案内させていただきます。


 講義Title« Defining "program", "algorithm",  and "model of computation" — including a discussion on how models of linear logic emerge by generalizing geometry of interaction and transcendental syntax constructions »


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5月28日火曜日 17:30-19:00 May 28 Thuesday


三田キャンパス:アクセス:[慶應義塾] (keio.ac.jp)


At the Open-Lab, 4th floor of the East (Research) Building at the East Gate of Mita-Campus of Keio University

Mita Campus: Keio University

Building # 13 on the Campus Map


要事前登録・Preregistration required

 登録用のリンク Hybrid Meeting


SpeakerThomas Seiller -CNRS-LIPN, IHPST

Title of the Talk

« Defining "program", "algorithm",  and "model of computation" — including a discussion on how models of linear logic emerge by generalizing geometry of interaction and transcendental syntax constructions »


What is a model of computation? What is a program, an algorithm? While theoretical computer science has been founded on computability theory, the latter does not answer these questions. Indeed, it is a mathematical theory of computable functions, and does not account for computation itself. A symptomatic consequence is the notion of Turing-completeness. This standard (sole?) equivalence between models of computation is purely extensional: it does only care about what is computed and not how, blind to complexity aspects and the question of algorithmic completeness. More importantly, the theory of computation is continuously growing further from how actual machines compute.

I will present a proposal for alternative foundations more faithful to computer science practice and interests. This mathematisation of computer science is grounded within the theory of dynamical systems, focussing on *how* computation is performed rather than only on *what* is computed. I will argue that it generalises computability theory while still allowing to recover standard results.

This point of view can be used to:

provide a uniform account of several lower bounds from algebraic complexity and strengthen them

define static analysis methods which can be implemented in usable tools

define families of linear realisability models (realisability models for linear logic)

lead to a semantic approach of implicit computational complexity

propose a formal definition of the notion of algorithm


In this talk, I will focus on two aspects from this list, namely points 3 and 5:

First, I will explain how abstract programs give rise to models of (fragments of) linear logic, generalising Jean-Yves Girard’s geometry of interaction (or more recent transcendental syntax) constructions. I will also explain how these technical developments shed a new light on the question of defining logical constants.

Second, I will present the formal definition of algorithm that stems from the approach, discuss its properties and provide a few examples.


問い合わせ先Logic-Computation-Philosophy Group, Dept. Philoophy Keio Univ

logic[AT]abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp  岡田光弘 峯島宏次