日時:12月13日(金) 15:30-
場所:名古屋大学 大学院情報科学研究科棟 1F 第2講義室
(http://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/2012website/global-info/images/access-map/map2.pdf の地図でA4(3)の建物です。)
講演者:横山 啓太 (北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)
題:On the second-order categoricity of the natural number system
It is important in the foundations of mathematics that the natural
number system is characterizable as a system of 0 and a successor
function by second-order logic. In other words, the following
Dedekind's second-order categoricity theorem holds: every Peano system
(P,e,F) is isomorphic to the natural number system (N,0,S). In this
talk, I will investigate Dedekind's theorem and other similar
statements. We will first do reverse mathematics over RCA0, and then
weaken the base theory. This is a joint work with Stephen G. Simpson
and Leszek Kolodziejczyk.
Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics 2014
invited speakers 等の情報については、近日中に下記のホームページにて公開致します。
Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, February 17 - 20, 2014)
Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics (CTFM) aims to
develop computability theory and logical foundations of Mathematics. The
scope involves the topics Computability Theory, Reverse Mathematics,
Nonstandard Analysis, Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics, Theory of
Randomness and Computational Complexity Theory.
Submission for Presentations:
December 15, 2013 -- January 15, 2014
Organizing Committee:
Hajime Ishihara(JAIST)
Ryo Kashima(Tokyo Institute of Technology, local chair)
Sam Sanders (Ghent)
Stephen G. Simpson (Pennsylvania State)
Kazuyuki Tanaka (Tohoku, chair)
Keita Yokoyama (JAIST)
Program Committee:
Kojiro Higuchi (Chiba)
Takayuki Kihara(JAIST)
Kenshi Miyabe(Tokyo)
Takako Nemoto(JAIST)
Sam Sanders (Ghent)
Takeshi Yamazaki (Tohoku)
Keita Yokoyama (JAIST, chair)
Keisuke Yoshii (Tohoku)
Keita Yokoyama
Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics 2014
invited speakers 等の情報については、近日中に下記のホームページにて公開致します。
Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, February 17 - 20, 2014)
Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics (CTFM) aims to
develop computability theory and logical foundations of Mathematics. The
scope involves the topics Computability Theory, Reverse Mathematics,
Nonstandard Analysis, Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics, Theory of
Randomness and Computational Complexity Theory.
Submission for Presentations:
December 15, 2013 -- January 15, 2014
Organizing Committee:
Hajime Ishihara(JAIST)
Ryo Kashima(Tokyo Institute of Technology, local chair)
Sam Sanders (Ghent)
Stephen G. Simpson (Pennsylvania State)
Kazuyuki Tanaka (Tohoku, chair)
Keita Yokoyama (JAIST)
Program Committee:
Kojiro Higuchi (Chiba)
Takayuki Kihara(JAIST)
Kenshi Miyabe(Tokyo)
Takako Nemoto(JAIST)
Sam Sanders (Ghent)
Takeshi Yamazaki (Tohoku)
Keita Yokoyama (JAIST, chair)
Keisuke Yoshii (Tohoku)
Keita Yokoyama
$BO@M}3X4X78$G;K>e:GBg$N%$%Y%s%H(B"Vienna summer of logic"$B$N0lIt$G$9!#(B
Joint 25th International Conference on
and 12th International Conference on
July 14–17, 2014, Vienna, Austria
Abstract submission: January 28, 2014
Notification: April 9, 2014
Paper submission: February 4, 2014
Final version: April 29, 2014
Rebuttal period: March 19–21, 2014
Submissions presenting original work are expected at
They should be at most 15 pages (10 for system descriptions) and follow
The proceedings will be published in the LNCS Advanced Research in
Computing and Software Science series of Springer. One author of each
accepted paper is expected to present it at the conference.
This joint RTA and TLCA conference is the major forum for the presentation of research on all
aspects of rewriting and typed lambda-calculi. Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Foundations: string rewriting; term rewriting; graph rewriting; lambdacalculi; higher-order
rewriting; binding techniques; constrained rewriting and deduction; categorical and infinitary
rewriting; stochastic rewriting; net rewriting; Petri nets; higher-dimensional rewriting; process
calculi; explicit substitution; tree automata; confluence; termination; complexity; modularity.
- Algorithmic aspects and implementation: strategies; matching; unification; anti-unification;
narrowing; constraint solving; theorem proving; completion techniques; implementation techniques;
parallel execution; certification of rewriting properties; abstract machines; automated
(non)termination and confluence provers; automated complexity analysis; SMT solving; system
- Logic: proof theory; natural deduction; sequent calculi; proof assistants; cut elimination and
normalization; propositions as types; linear logic and proof nets; equational logic; rewriting
logic; rewriting calculi; proof checking; reasoning about programming languages and logics;
homotopy type theory;
type-theoretic aspects of complexity; implicit computational complexity.
- Types: dependent types; polymorphism; intersection types and related approaches; subtyping; type
inference and type checking; types in databases.
- Semantics: denotational semantics; operational semantics; game semantics; realisability; domain
theory; categorical models; universal algebra.
- Programming: foundational aspects of functional programming, object oriented programming, and
other programming paradigms; flow analysis
of higher-type computation; program equivalence; program transformation;
program optimization; program refactoring; rewriting models of programs;
rule-based (functional and logic) programming; control operators; symbolic and algebraic
computation; system synthesis and verification; XML queries and transformations; types in program
analysis and verification; analysis of cryptographic protocols; systems biology; linguistics.
Programme Committee
Andreas Abel (Gothenburg)
Beniamino Accattoli (Bologna)
Zena Ariola (Oregon)
Steffen van Bakel (Imperial College)
Pierre Clairambault (CNRS)
Ugo Dal Lago (Bologna)
Gilles Dowek (Inria)
Santiago Escobar (Valencia)
Amy Felty (Ottawa)
Maribel Fernandez (King$B!G(Bs college)
Adria Gascon (SRI International)
Jeroen Ketema (Imperial College)
Christopher Lynch (Clarkson)
Masahito Hasegawa (Kyoto)
Olivier Hermant (MINES ParisTech)
Paul-Andre Mellies (CNRS)
Alexandre Miquel (UdelaR)
Cesar Munoz (NASA)
Vivek Nigam (Para$(D)E(Bba)
Luke Ong (Oxford)
Brigitte Pientka (McGill)
Femke van Raamsdonk (Amsterdam)
Jakob Rehof (Dortmund)
David Sabel (Frankfurt)
Gernot Salzer (Wien)
Sylvain Salvati (Inria)
Aleksy Schubert (Warszawa)
Peter Selinger (Dalhousie)
Paula Severi (Leicester)
Christian Sternagel (JAIST)
Kazushige Terui (Kyoto)
Mateu Villaret (Girona)
Fer-Jan de Vries (Leicester)
Harald Zankl (Innsbruck)
Programme Chair
Gilles Dowek
Conference Chair
Gernot Salzer
Kazushige TERUI
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
Kyoto University.
Kitashirakawa Oiwakecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, JAPAN.
Phone: +81-75-753-7235
Fax: +81-75-753-7276
DICE 2014
Fifth Workshop on Developments in Implicit Computational Complexity
Grenoble, France
April 5-6, 2014
(a satellite event of ETAPS 2014)
Invited Speakers
* Akitoshi Kawamura (University of Tokyo)
* Georg Moser (University of Innsbruck)
Important Dates
* Abstract Submission: January 5, 2014
* Notification: January 20, 2014
* Final version: February 10, 2014
The area of Implicit Computational Complexity (ICC) has grown from
several proposals for using logic and formal methods to provide
languages for complexity-bounded computation (e.g. PTIME, LOGSPACE
computation). Its aim is to study computational complexity without
reference to external measuring conditions or particular machine
models, but only in terms of language restrictions or
logical/computational principles implying complexity properties.
This workshop focuses on ICC methods related to programs (rather than
descriptive methods). In this approach one relates complexity classes
to restrictions on programming paradigms (functional programs, lambda
calculi, rewriting systems), such as ramified recurrence, weak
polymorphic types, linear logic and linear types, and interpretative
measures. The two main objectives of this area are:
* to find natural implicit characterizations of various
complexity classes of functions, thereby illuminating their
nature and importance;
* to design methods suitable for static verification of
program complexity.
Therefore ICC connects both to the study of complexity classes and to
static program analysis. The workshop is open to contributions
on various aspects of ICC including (but not exclusively):
* types for controlling complexity
* logical systems for implicit computational complexity
* linear logic
* semantics of complexity-bounded computation
* rewriting and termination orderings
* interpretation-based methods for implicit complexity
* programming languages for complexity-bounded computation
* theoretical foundations of program complexity analysis
* application of implicit complexity to security
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of up to 5 pages.
Accepted abstracts will be presented at the workshop. Submissions will
be judged on originality, relevance, interest and clarity. Preference
will be given to abstracts describing work (including work in
progress) that has not been published elsewhere before the workshop.
Any previous publication or submission of submitted work should be
clearly indicated in the submission. The workshop will not have
formal proceedings and is not intended to preclude later publication
at another venue.
Abstracts should be written in English and can be submitted in PDF
form to the DICE 2014 EasyChair page:
Submissions of abstracts by PC members are allowed and encouraged.
Program Committee
* Martin Avanzini (University of Innsbruck)
* Amir Ben-Amram (Tel-Aviv Academic College)
* Pierre Clairambault (CNRS & ENS Lyon)
* Daniel de Carvalho (Datalogisk Institut, K(IC8(Bbenhavns Universitet)
* David Nowak (CNRS & Lille 1 University)
* Michele Pagani (LIPN $Bc`(B Universit(IC)(B de Paris 13)
* Romain P(IC)(Bchoux (Universit(IC)(B de Lorraine)
* Brian Redmond (Grande Prairie Regional College, Canada)
* Ulrich Sch(IC6(Bpp (LMU Munich) (Chair)
* Kazushige Terui (RIMS, Kyoto University)
Steering Committee
* Patrick Baillot (ENS Lyon, CNRS)
* Ugo Dal Lago (Universit(IC(B di Bologna)
* Martin Hofmann (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit(IC$(Bt M(IC<(Bnchen)
* Jean-Yves Marion (Loria - INPL Nancy)
* Simona Ronchi Della Rocca (Universit(IC(B di Torino)
Kazushige TERUI
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
Kyoto University.
Kitashirakawa Oiwakecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, JAPAN.
Phone: +81-75-753-7235
Fax: +81-75-753-7276
3rd International Workshop on
Engineering Safety and Security Systems
May 12, 2014, Singapore
Co-located with FM 2014 in Singapore, May 12-26, 2014
More information:
Important dates
* February 10th, 2014: Submission deadline
* March 17th, 2014: Notification of acceptance/rejection
* May 12th, 2014: Workshop
Introduction of the Workshop
The International Workshop on Engineering Safety and Security Systems
(ESSS) aims at contributing to the challenge of constructing reliable
and secure systems. The workshop covers areas such as formal
specification, (extended) type checking, model checking, program
analysis/transformation, model-based testing and model-driven software
construction. The workshop will bring together researchers and
industry R&D expertise together to exchange their knowledge, discuss
their research findings, and explore potential collaborations.
Theme of the Workshop
The main theme of the workshop is methods and techniques for
constructing large reliable and secure systems. The goal of the
workshop is to establish a platform for the exchange of ideas,
discussion, cross-fertilization, inspiration, co-operation, and
dissemination. The topics of the workshop include, but are not
limited to:
-- methods, techniques and tools for system safety and security
-- methods, techniques and tools for analysis, certification, and
debugging of complex safety and security systems
-- model-based and verification-based testing
-- emerging application domains such as cloud computing and
cyber-physical systems
-- case studies and experience reports on the use of formal methods
for analyzing safety and security systems
Submissions guidelines
Paper submissions must be original, unpublished work. Submissions
should be in made via the Easychair site:
We invite two types of submissions:
--Regular papers (up to 15 pages) describing original and unpublished
work within the scope of the workshop.
--Short papers (up to 6 pages) describing work in progress or less
mature results.
Case studies and tool papers are welcome as well. All submissions must
be prepared in LATEX using the EPTCS macro package.
The final versions of accepted regular and short papers will be
published as a volume of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical
Computer Science (EPTCS). Furthermore, authors of a selection of the
accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their
articles to a special issue of a high-quality journal, after the
workshop. Publication of accepted articles requires the commitment of
one of the authors to register for the workshop and present the paper.
General chair
Sjouke Mauw, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Program chairs
Yang Liu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Program committee
Etienne Andre, Universite Paris 13, France
Toalue Chen, Middelsex University, UK
Marieke Huisma, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Weiqiang Kong, Kyushu University, Japan
Keqin Li, SAP Research, France
Yang Liu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Zhiming Liu, UNU/IIST Macao, China
Sjouke Mauw, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Geguang Pu, East China Normal University, China
Mohammad Torabi Dashti, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Anton Wijs, Eindhoven University of Technology
Yoriyuki Yamagata, AIST, Japan
独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所 主任研究員
E-mail: yoriyuki.yamagata(a)aist.go.jp