1.日 時 平成24年3月13日
2.場 所 JAIST 知識科学研究科 中講義室
3.講演題目 “Ontology-Based Data Access and Constraint
4.講 演 者 Frank Wolter 客員教授
(リヴァプール大学 教授)
5.担当教員 小野寛晰
JAIST 先端融合領域研究院: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/rcis/l
We would like to inform you of the JAIST Advanced Lecture Series 6 by
a guest professor of JAIST as follows.
DATE:March 13, 2012 15:00-17:00
TITLE:“Ontology-Based Data Access and Constraint
SPEAKER:Prof. Frank Wolter
(Univ. of Liverpool, Guest Professor of JAIST)
In recent years, the use of ontologies to access instance data has
become increasingly popular. The general idea is that an ontology
provides a vocabulary or conceptual model for the application domain,
which can then be used as an interface for querying instance data and
to derive additional facts.
In this presentation, I will first introduce ontology-based data
access (OBDA). I will focus on ontologies given in description logics
or, equivalently, the web ontology language OWL. I will then establish
a very close link between OBDA and constraint satisfaction problems
with finite templates (CSP). Rather surprisingly, for the basic
description logic ALC (=modal logic) OBDA and CSP turn out to be
essentially equivalent. This result has a large number of consequences
for ALC and OBDA in general.
I will focus on the following non-uniform complexity problem: what is
the complexity of query answering for a fixed ontology? I will present
general conditions under which this problem is in PTime and,
respectively, coNP-hard. Using the CSP connection is shown that for
ALC there is a P/coNP dichotomy for conjunctive query answering if, and
only if, the famous, and still open, Feder/Vardi dichotomy conjecture
for CSP holds.
The talk is based on joint work with Carsten Lutz.
The second「論数哲」"Ron-Suu-Tetsu" (PhilLogMath) workshop
We will hold the 2nd 「論数哲」(PhilLogMath) workshop. Our aim is to provide
opportunities of detailed discussions among philosophers, logicians and
mathematicians. Everyone is welcome.
website url: http://researchmap.jp/jovzjd6b4-21098/#_21098
Date : March 14 (Wed)
Place: Seiryo Kaikan (Nagata-cho, Tokyo) Room 4A and 4B (floor 4)
Time table
9:00-10:30 Takuro Onishi (Kyoto University) "BHK-interpretation
and Bilateralism"
10:30-12:00 Katsuhiko Sano (JAIST)
"An `Impossibility' Theorem in Radical Inquisitive Semantics"
13:30-15:00 Masahiko Sato (Kyoto University) "Bootstrapping
15:15-16:45 Richard Dietz (The University of Tokyo) "Comparative
17:00-18:30 Conrad Asmus (JAIST) " Vagueness and Revision Sequences"
Any slot consists of 60 minutes talk and 30 minutes discussion basically.
All talks are in English.
* Takuro Onishi "BHK-interpretation and Bilateralism"
In this talk, H.Wansing's inferentialist semantics for Bi-intuitionist logic
is examined.Bi-intuitionist Logic (a.k.a. Heyting-Brouwer logic) is an
extension of Intuitionist Logic with a connective dual to implication. It is
sort of an amalgamation of intuitionist and dual-intuitionist logic.
Accordingly, BHK-like, inferentialist, or proof-theoretic semantics for the
logic would be a bilateralist one appealing to not only "proof" but
also"dual proof (disproof)" as primitive notions. In his "Proofs,disproofs
and their duals" (2010),Wansing gives a correctness (soundness) proof of a
display system for bi-intuitionist logic in terms of the bilateralist
semantics. I point out that his proof involves controversial assumptions
concerning the relation between proofs and dual proofs and present an
alternative view on how they get together. (Although Wansing discuss a
BHK-like interpretation for strong negation and its dual as well, I will
concentrate on logics without them in this talk.)
*Katsuhiko Sano "An `Impossibility' Theorem in Radical Inquisitive Semantics"
An aim of this talk is to show that it is impossible to provide a `natural'
Kripke semantics with radical inquisitive semantics, recently proposed by
Jeroen Groenendijk and Floris Roelofsen. Inquisitive semantics is a new
formal framework for the semantics of both declarative and interrogative
sentences. One of the main features of this semantics is that we assume
there is no type distinction between the declarative and the interrogative,
but we provide both classical and inquisitive meanings with each sentence.
For example, the declarative sentence `Taro will drink tea or coffee.'
proposes two alternatives `Taro will drink tea' and `Taro will drink
coffee'. Inquisitive meaning captures such information of the alternatives.
In conservative (non-radical) inquisitive semantics (Groenendijk and
Roelofsen 2009), intuitionistic Kripke semantics captures how our group
knowledge increases though a conversation, and also allows us to derive the
inquisitive meaning of a sentence from the classical meaning. In the example
above, we could give a reply `Taro won't drink tea or coffee' to the
speaker. In conservative inquisitive semantics, however, we cannot cover
such a negative reaction. Radical inquisitive semantics is an extension of
conservative one such that we can provide with each sentence the positive
and negative inquisitive meanings as well as the classical meaning. My
contribution of this talk is to establish that *any* `natural' Kripke
semantics fails to capture a link between the classical meaning and the
negative inquisitive meaning.
*Masahiko Sato "Bootstrapping Mathematics"
It is well-known that any formal mathematical system can be faithfully
encoded within PRA (Primitive Recursive Arithmetic). It is also commonly
accepted that any well-established part of mathematics can be presented as a
formal system. Thus, it seems that we can bootstrap mathematics, within a
computer, simply by implementing PRA in it. However, we will show that this
view is too naiive both from computer science point of view and from
foundational point of view. We also discuss an alternative approach to this
problem by giving an overview of a proof assistant system we are developing.
*Richard Dietz "Comparative Concepts"
Comparative concepts (such as ‘greener than’ or ‘higher than’)are
fundamental to our grasp of associated categorical concepts (‘green’,
‘high’, respectively). Some comparative concepts seem natural, whereas other
ones seem rather gerrymandered---e.g., compare ‘x is greener than y’ and ‘x
and y are such that either (i) x and y are inspected before midday and x is
greener than y, or (ii) x and y are inspected after midday and x is bluer
than y’. What kind of cognitive structures under your ability to order
objects? And why do we order objects the way we do,and not in other ways?
The aim of this talk is to outline an account of comparative concepts within
a conceptual spaces framework. The account bears for one on the account of
naturalness for comparative concepts.For another, it bears on the theory of
gradable concepts, i.e., the type of categorical concepts expressed by
gradable terms in natural language.The approach is novel in that it carries
some basic assumptions from Peter Gärdenfors' conceptual spaces account of
categorical concepts over to comparative concepts (in his monograph
‘Conceptual Spaces’ [2000]).The offered approach is more general both (i) in
that it supplies a framework for motivating various types of categorisation
rules for gradable concepts, and (ii) in that it gives a model that subsumes
ungraded categorisation as a limiting case.
*Conrad Asmus "Vagueness and Revision Sequences"
Theories of truth and vagueness are closely connected; in this article, I
draw another connection between these areas of research. Gupta and Belnap’s
Revision Theory of Truth is converted into an approach to vagueness. I show
how revision sequences from a general theory of definitions can be used to
understand the nature of vague predicates. The revision sequences show how
the meaning of vague predicates are interconnected with each other. The
approach is contrasted with the similar supervaluationist approach.
*Workshop organizer (please replace [at] to @):
Yuko Murakami
Shunsuke Yatabe ( shunsuke.yatabe[at]aist.go.jp )
Takuro Onishi ( takuro.onishi[at]gmail.com )
Shunsuke Yatabe <shunsuke.yatabe(a)aist.go.jp>
AIST/CVS (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology /
Research Center for Verification and Semantics)
tel: +81-6-4863-5031 fax: +81-6-4863-5052
("Logical-Mathematical Proofs and Cognition" Meeting, 25th feb 2012)
慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス Mita Campus, Keio University
(topics: 論証のSurveyability, 幾何学的認知プロセスのfMRI脳研究、図形推論の証明論、プラトン・テアイテトスとlogic of relativism)
Up-dated information は次のURLに掲示いたします。
PLACE ROOM 323 (2nd Floor) of the Graduate School Building, Mita Campus of Keio University (5 minutes walk from JR-Tamachi Station or Subway-Mita Station or Subway-Akabanebashi Station)
場所 慶應義塾大学 三田キャンパス 「大学院棟」2階323番教室
キャンパスマップ(Campus Map)
(Associated to the Interdisciplinary Ontology Meeting (23rd-34th Feb), an international Logic Meeting on demontrations/proofs (logical and mathematical) and cognition
is scheduled, including the topics of surveyability of proofs, fMRI-brain study on geometrical processing、the logic of relativism and Theaetetus,
diagrammatic proofs).
また、2月23日24日に(分析形而上学、医学生命情報学、AI, 情報科学を含む)学際オントロジー会議を予定しています。
(学際オントロジー会議のURL:、For the 23rd-24th Interdisciplinary Ontology,
数学の哲学、分析哲学、実験哲学、現象学、認知心理学、分析形而上学系、数学基礎論系を含むDiscussants,Main participantsをゲストにお招きして
Berit Brogaard (Departments of Philosophy and Psychology, Center for Neurodynamics, University of Missouri, USA, Phenomenplogy, Cogmitive Science,)
Mathieu Marion (Department of Philosophy, Universite de Quebec a Montreal, Logical Philosophy)
Maureen Donnelly (Department of Philosophy, The University at Buffalo, Analytic metaphysics, Logic)
Mark Ressler (Department of Philosophy, The University at Buffalo, Analytic metaphysics, Logic, others)
Sam Sanders (currently visiting Department of Mathematics, Tohoku university, Foundations of mathematics, Non-standard analysis, etc)
Hiroyuki Miyoshi (Department of Computer science, Kyoto Sangyo University, Informatics, Logic)
and others
Discussion-Coordinator 岡田光弘 (Mitsu Okada)
Mathieu Marion (department of Philosophy, Universite de Quebec a Montreal, Canada)
による提題、Surverability of mathematical proofs in Wittgenstein,)
12;30 PM-14:00PM Meeting Lunch
Mark Ressler (Department of Philosophy, University of buffalo, USA)
Logic of relativism
Berit Brogaard (Berit Brogaard (Departments of Philosophy and Psychology, Center for Neurodynamics, University of Missouri, USA)
Seeing mathematics: perceptual experience and brain activity in
acquired synesthesia
Up-dated information は次のURLに掲示しています。
主催: Open Research Centre for Logic and Formal Ontology, Keio University
責任者 岡田光弘
東京大学の蓮尾です.ワークショップ ICE 2012 のご案内です.
「Wiki による,PC,査読者,筆者による議論」があります.
蓮尾 一郎
[- Apologies for multiple copies -]
ICE 2012
5th Interaction and Concurrency Experience
June 16, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden
Satellite workshop of DisCoTec 2012
=== Highlights ===
- Invited talks: Marcello Bonsangue
Ichiro Hasuo
- Innovative selection procedure
- Special issue of Scientific Annals of Computer Science
=== Important Dates ===
30 March 2012................Abstract submission
04 April 2012................Full paper submission
18 April - 12 May 2012.......Reviews, rebuttal and PC discussion
16 May 2012..................Notification to authors
30 May 2012..................Camera-ready for pre-proceedings
16 June 2012.................ICE in Stockholm
15 Sept 2012.................Camera-ready for post-proceedings
=== Scope ===
Interaction and Concurrency Experiences (ICEs) is a series of
international scientific meetings oriented to theoretical computer
science researchers with special interest in models, verification,
tools and programming primitives for complex interactions.
The general scope of the venue includes theoretical and applied
aspects of interactions and the synchronization mechanisms used among
components of concurrent/distributed systems, but every experience focuses
on a different specific topic (see "Previous Editions" at the end of
this call) related to several areas of computer science in the broad
spectrum ranging from formal specification and analysis to studies
inspired by emerging computational models.
The theme of ICE 2012 is
***Distributed coordination, execution models, and resilient interaction***.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Process algebra and coordination: transformation, analysis and implementation
- Models for distributed coordination and semantics
- Techniques and tools for specification, analysis, verification of
resilient interaction
- Languages, protocols and mechanisms for sound distributed coordination
- Logics and types for interactions
- Comparison among different coordination and/or execution models
- Expressive power of coordination languages and execution models
- Formal semantics of coordination languages
- Formal verification of distributed coordinated architectures
- Relating different semantic models for coordination languages
=== Selection Procedure ===
Since its 1st edition in 2008, the distinguishing feature of ICE has
been an innovative paper selection mechanism based
on an interactive discussion amongst authors and PC members.
During the review phase, each submitted paper is published on a Wiki
and associated with a discussion forum whose access will be restricted
to the authors and all the PC members who do not have a conflict of
interests with the paper.
The PC members post comments/questions that the authors shall reply
As witnessed by the past four editions of ICE, this procedure considerably
improves the accuracy of the feedback from reviews, the fairness of
the selection, the quality of camera-ready papers, and the discussion
during the workshop.
=== The Public Wiki ===
After the notification, the accepted papers will be published on a public
forum, in order to initiate public discussions that will trigger and
stimulate the scientific debate at the workshop. We believe that this
will drive the workshop discussions and let prospective participants
interact with each other much earlier than in more traditional events.
=== Submission Guidelines ===
Papers must report previously unpublished work and not be
simultaneously submitted to other conferences/workshops with
refereed proceedings. The ICE 2012 post-proceedings will be
published in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science
Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format via EasyChair
(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ice2012) and should not
exceed 15 pages with the EPTCS style (http://style.eptcs.org/).
Accepted papers must be presented at the workshop by one of the
=== Special Issue ===
Full versions of the best papers selected by the PC will be invited
to appear in a special issue of the journal of Scientific Annals of
Computer Science (http://www.info.uaic.ro/bin/Annals/).
Such contributions will be regularly peer-reviewed according to the
standard journal policy, but they will be handled in a shorter time
than regular submissions.
=== Program Committee ===
Lucia Acciai (University of Firenze, Italy)
Luca Aceto (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
Massimo Bartoletti (University of Cagliari, Italy)
Simon Bliudze (EPFL, Switzerland)
Laura Bocchi (University of Leicester, United Kingdom)
Filippo Bonchi (CNRS, France)
Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa, Italy)
Marco Carbone (co-chair)
Vincenzo Ciancia (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Pierre-Malo Denielou (Imperial College, United Kingdom)
Cinzia Di Giusto (CEA, France)
Tobias Heindel (CEA, France)
Tom Hirschowitz (CNRS, France)
Bartek Klin (Warsaw University, Poland)
Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna/INRIA, Italy)
Alberto Lluch Lafuente (IMT Lucca, Italy)
Bas Luttik (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Manuel Mazzara (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)
Mohammadreza Mousavi (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Damien Pous (CNRS, France)
Jens-Wolfhard Schicke-Uffmann (TU Braunschweig, Germany )
Alexandra Silva (co-chair)
Ana Sokolova (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Francesco Tiezzi (IMT Lucca, Italy)
Emilio Tuosto (University of Leicester, United Kingdom)
Erik de Vink (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
=== ICEcreamers ===
- Marco Carbone (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark; co-chair)
- Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna/INRIA, Italy)
- Alexandra Silva (Radboud University Nijmegen & CWI, The Netherlands;
HasLab / INESC TEC, Portugal; co-chair)
- Ana Sokolova (University of Salzburg, Austria)
=== Contact ===
=== Previous editions ===
The previous four editions of ICE have been held on
* July 6th, 2008 in Reykjavik, Iceland with focus on
Synchronous and Asynchronous Interactions in Concurrent/
Distributed Systems, co-located with ICALP'08.
The post-proceedings were published in ENTCS (vol.229-3).
* August 31st, 2009 in Bologna, Italy with focus on
Structured Interactions, co-located with CONCUR'09.
The post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol.12)
and a special issue of MSCS is in preparation.
* June 10th, 2010 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands with focus
on Guaranteed Interactions, co-located with DisCoTec'10.
The post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol.38)
and selected papers appeared in a joint special issue of SACS (with
CAMPUS'10 and
CS2BIO'10, Vol. XXI).
* June 9th, 2011 in Reykjavik, Iceland with focus on Reliable and
Contract-based Interactions, co-located with DisCoTec'11.
The post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol.59)
and a special issue of SACS is now in preparation.
8th SCANDINAVIAN LOGIC SYMPOSIUM 20-21 August 2012 at Roskilde University, DENMARK
First Announcement and Call for Papers
The 8th Scandinavian Logic Symposium will be held at Roskilde University, Trekroner, Denmark, 20-21 August 2012.
After a gap of fifteen years, the Scandinavian Logic Symposium is back. The
Symposium is the first major initiative of the newly revived Scandinavian Logic Society (SLS,
http://scandinavianlogic.org/) and will be held at Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark.
As with previous editions of this conference, the aim of the programme is to reflect current
activity in logic in our part of the world. So we hope that participants from Scandinavia, the Baltic
countries and Northwestern Russia will take the opportunity to contribute a talk and to meet
with fellow logicians from the area. But needless to say, we also extend a warm welcome to
logicians from further afield and plan to present a varied and interesting collection of invited and
contributed talks.
Related events:
A post-SLS tutorial day will be organized on August 22
Also note that Advances in Modal Logic (AiML) will be held on 22-25
August 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. URL: http://hylocore.ruc.dk/aiml2012/ .
The scope of SLS 2012 is broad, ranging over the whole area of
mathematical and philosophical logic, and logical methods in computer science. Suitable topics
include (but are not limited to) Proof Theory and Constructivism, Model Theory (including Finite
Model Theory), Set Theory, Computability Theory, Categorical Logic, Logic and Provability,
Logic and Computer Science, Logic and Linguistics, Modal, Hybrid, Temporal and Description
Logic, Logics of Games, Dynamics and Interaction, and Philosophical Logic.
7th Scandinavian Logic Symposium: Uppsala in 1996
6th Scandinavian Logic Symposium: Telemark in 1982
5th Scandinavian Logic Symposium: Aalborg in 1979
4th Scandinavian Logic Symposium: Jyväskylä in 1976
3rd Scandinavian Logic Symposium: Uppsala in 1973
2nd Scandinavian Logic Symposium: Oslo in 1971
1st Scandinavian Logic Symposium: Åbo in 1968
The proceedings of several of these meetings have been published in book form.
To be announced
Co-chairs: Neil Jones (Copenhagen) and Erik Palmgren (Stockholm)
Torben Brauner (Roskilde)
Peter Dybjer (Chalmers)
Lars Kristiansen (Oslo)
Øystein Linnebo (Birkbeck)
Sara Negri (Helsinki)
Dag Normann (Oslo)
Asger Törnquist (Vienna)
Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki)
Patrick Blackburn (RUC), Klaus Frovin Jørgensen (RUC), Stig Andur Petersen (RUC)
Abstracts of talks should be submitted by May 1, 2012 using the EasyChair system
The abstracts may not exceed 3 pages (including bibliography) and should be in PDF format.
Roskilde University (RUC) is situated at Trekroner, a small town 20 minutes by train from
Central Copenhagen, and five minutes by train from Roskilde.
Most people who work at RUC and almost all the RUC students live in Copenhagen. Getting
to RUC is an easy train journey from the centre of Copenhagen. We anticipate that most
conference attendees will book hotels in central Copenhagen, where there are many hotels
in many price ranges. Hotel accommodation can also be found in Roskilde, though there the
options are more limited.
The conference website will be found at:
Details concerning registration will be posted there in due course.
11月に京都で開催されるICFEM 2012の案内を送らせて頂きます.
ICFEM 2012:
14th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
12th-16th, November, 2012
Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan
URL: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/icfem2012
ICFEM will come back to Japan in 2012 again! Since 1997, ICFEM has
been serving as an international forum for researchers and practitioners
who have been seriously applying formal methods to practical applications.
Researchers and practitioners, from industry, academia, and government,
are encouraged to attend, and to help advance the state of
the art. We are interested in work that has been incorporated into
real production systems, and in theoretical work that promises to
bring practical and tangible benefit.
ICFEM 2012 will be hosted by National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology (JAIST), which will be held in
Kyoto, JAPAN. Kyoto is the ancient capital of JAPAN, where you can find
many historical sites which have been designated as World Heritage there.
We are looking forward to your submissions.
Submissions related to the following principal themes are encouraged, but
any topics relevant to the field of formal methods and their practical
applications will also be considered:
* Abstraction and refinement
* Formal specification and modelling
* Software verification
* Program analysis
* Software model checking
* Formal approaches to software testing
* Formal methods for object and component systems
* Formal methods for cloud computing/robotics/cyber-physical systems/
medical devices/aeronautics/railway
* Formal methods for self-* systems
* Formal methods for software safety, security, reliability and dependability
* Experiments involving verified systems
* Formal methods used in certifying products under international standards (ISO 26262, IEC 61508, etc)
* Formal model-based development and code generation
Submissions to the conference must not have been published or be concurrently
considered for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be judged on the
basis of originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation
quality, and relevance to the conference. The proceedings will be published
in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Papers should be written in English and not exceed 16 pages in LNCS
format (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for
details). Submission should be done through the ICFEM 2012 submission page
(https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icfem2012), handled by the
EasyChair conference system.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 9th April, 2012
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 16th April, 2012
Acceptance/Rejection Notification: 18th June, 2012
Camera Ready Copy Due: 16th July, 2012
Conference: 12th-16th, November, 2012.
Conference Chair:
Hitoshi Ohsaki (AIST, Japan)
Program Chairs:
Kenji Taguchi (AIST, Japan)
Toshiaki Aoki (JAIST, Japan)
General Chairs:
Kokichi Futatsugi (JAIST, Japan)
Shaoying Liu (Hosei Uni., Japan)
Steering Committee
Keijiro Araki, Japan
Jin Song Dong, Singapore
Jifeng He, China
Shaoying Liu (Chair), Japan
Program Committee
Yuki Chiba
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)