蓮尾研究室では明日30日(直前で申し訳ないのですが)に Salzburg 大学の Ana Sokolova さん,
11月9日に Jan Rutten さんをお迎えしてご講演いただきます.
Tue 30 October 2012, 16:40-18:10
Ana Sokolova (U. Salzburg),
Quantitative relaxations of concurrent data structures
理学部7号館1階 102教室 Room 102, School of Science Bldg. No. 7
This talk is about our recent work on relaxing the semantics of
concurrent data structures, in a quantitative way, so that they allow
better-performing implementations. By their nature, data structures
are bottlenecks in the presence of concurrency, e.g. the top pointer
of a stack is a point of contention for which all threads compete. As
a consequence, implementations of concurrent data structures often
show negative scalability. Recent trends in concurrency show that
relaxing the semantics may be the way to better performance. In this
work we provide a framework for quantitative relaxations of concurrent
data structures, where the allowed``error" from the perfect semantics
is quantified by a distance. During the talk, we will use a stack as a
running example. Also we present new concurrent implementation of a
quantitatively relaxed stack that performs well and shows positive
(joint work with Thomas A. Henzinger, Christoph M. Kirsch, Hannes
Payer, and Ali Sezgin)
Fri 9 November 2012, 10:30-12:00
Jan Rutten (CWI Amsterdam & Radboud Univ. Nijmegen),
The method of coalgebra--an overview
理学部7号館地下1階 007教室 Room 007 (on the underground floor), School of
Science Bldg. No. 7
Since the early nineties, coalgebra has become an active area of
research in which one tries to understand all kinds of infinite data
types, automata, transition systems and dynamical systems from a
unifying perspective. The focus of coalgebra is on observable
behaviour and one uses coinduction as a central methodology, both for
behavioural specifications and to prove behavioural equivalences.
These days, one uses coalgebraic techniques in a wide variety of
areas, ranging from automata theory to software engineering to
ecology. In this talk, we shall illustrate the coalgebraic approach by
discussing a number examples, including streams, automata and