CALL FOR PARTICIPATION (early-bird registration deadline: July 1, 2011)
12th Meeting on Mathematics of Language
Nara, Japan, September 6-8, 2011
Invited Speakers
Kit Fine, New York University
Andreas Maletti, University of Stuttgart
Program available at http://sites.google.com/site/mol12nara/program
Contact: mol12(a)googlegroups.com
来年3月にTrentoにて開催されるACM SACのトラック"Service Oriented Architectures
and Programming (SOAP)"のCFPをお送り致します。多数の投稿をお待ちしております。
Call for Papers
27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)
Track on Service-Oriented Architectures and Programming (SOAP)
Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy
March 25-29, 2012
ACM SAC 2012
For the past twenty-seven years, the ACM Symposium on Applied
Computing has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer
scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application
developers from around the world. SAC 2012 is sponsored by the ACM
Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and is hosted by
The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre for Computational
and Systems Biology, Trento, Italy.
Service-Oriented Programming (SOP) is quickly changing our vision of
the Web, bringing a paradigmatic shift in the methodologies followed
by programmers when designing and implementing distributed
systems. Originally, the Web was mainly seen as a means of presenting
information to a wide spectrum of people, but SOP is triggering a
radical transformation of the Web towards a computational fabric where
loosely coupled services interact publishing their interfaces inside
dedicated repositories, where they can be discovered by other services
and then invoked, abstracting from their actual
implementation. Research on SOP is giving strong impetus to the
development of new technologies and tools for creating and deploying
distributed software. In the context of this modern paradigm we have
to cope with an old challenge, like in the early days of
Object-Oriented Programming when, until key features like
encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, and proper design
methodologies were defined, consistency in the programming model
definition was not achieved. The complex scenario of SOP needs to be
clarified on many aspects, both from the engineering and from the
foundational points of view.
From the engineering point of view, there are open issues at many
levels. Among others, at the system design level, both traditional
approaches based on UML and approaches taking inspiration from
business process modelling, e.g. BPMN, are used. At the composition
level, although WS-BPEL is a de-facto industrial standard, other
approaches are appearing, and both the orchestration and choreography
views have their supporters. At the description and discovery level
there are two separate communities pushing respectively the semantic
approach (ontologies, OWL, ...) and the syntactic one (WSDL, ...). In
particular, the role of discovery engines and protocols is not
clear. In this respect we still lack adopted standards: UDDI looked to
be a good candidate, but it is no longer pushed by the main
corporations, and its wide adoption seems difficult. Furthermore, a
new different implementation platform, the so-called REST services, is
emerging and competing with classic Web Services. Finally, features
like Quality of Service, security and dependability need to be taken
seriously into account, and this investigation should lead to standard
From the foundational point of view, formalists have discussed widely
in the last years, and many attempts to use formal methods for
specification and verification in this setting have been made. Session
correlation, service types, contract theories and communication
patterns are only a few examples of the aspects that have been
investigated. Moreover, several formal models based upon automata,
Petri nets and algebraic approaches have been developed. However most
of these approaches concentrate only on a few features of
Service-Oriented Systems in isolation, and a comprehensive approach is
still far from being achieved.
The Service-Oriented Architectures and Programming track aims at
bringing together researchers and practitioners having the common
objective of transforming SOP into a mature discipline with both solid
scientific foundations and mature software engineering development
methodologies supported by dedicated tools. In particular, we will
encourage works and discussions about what SOP still needs in order to
achieve its original goal.
Major topics of interest will include:
- Formal methods for specification of Web Services
- Notations and models for Service Oriented Computing
- Methodologies and tools for Service Oriented application design
- Service Oriented Middlewares
- Service Oriented Programming languages
- Test methodologies for Service Oriented applications
- Analysis techniques and tools
- Service systems performance analysis
- Industrial deployment of tools and methodologies
- Standards for Service Oriented Programming
- Service application case studies
- Dependability and Web Services
- Quality of Service
- Security issues in Service Oriented Computing
- Comparisons between different approaches to Services
- Exception handling in composition languages
- Trust and Web Services
- Sustainability and Web Services, Green Computing
- Adaptable Web Services
- Software Product Lines for Services
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Service-Oriented Computing
August 31, 2011: Paper submissions
October 12, 2011: Author notification
November 2, 2011: Camera-Ready Copy
March 25-29, 2012: Conference
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished papers. Submission
of the same paper to multiple tracks is not allowed. Peer groups with
expertise in the track focus area will double-blindly review
submissions. Accepted papers will be published in the annual
conference proceedings. SOAP track chairs will not submit to the
track. Submissions from SOAP PC members and from PC members and track
chairs of other SAC tracks are welcome. Submission guidelines
can be found on SAC 2012 Website:
Prospective papers should be submitted to the track using the provided
automated submission system. Please pay attention to ensure anonimity
of your submitted manuscript as detailed in the submission page so to
allow for double-blind review. Papers not satisfying this constraint
will be automatically rejected. The maximum length for papers is 8
pages. Accepted papers whose camera-ready version will exceed 6 pages
will have to pay an extra charge.
Faycal Abouzaid, University of Montreal (Canada)
Maurice ter Beek, ISTI-CNR, Pisa (Italy)
Jesper Bengtson, IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Roberto Bruni, University of Pisa (Italy)
Nicola Dragoni, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
Schahram Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna (Austria)
Tim Hallwyl, Sirius IT (Denmark)
Koji Hasebe, University of Tsukuba (Japan)
Nickolas Kavantzas, ORACLE (USA)
Marcello La Rosa, Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
Francisco Martins, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Michele Mazzucco, University of Tartu (Estonia)
Hernàn Melgratti, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Nicola Mezzetti, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. (Italy)
Paolo Missier, Newcastle University (UK)
Bardia Mohabbati, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Kévin Ottens, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (Sweden)
Rosario Pugliese, University of Firenze (Italy)
Jean-Bernard Stefani, INRIA Grenoble (France)
Emilio Tuosto, University of Leicester (UK)
Mirko Viroli, University of Bologna (Italy)
Olaf Zimmermann, IBM Research - Zurich (Switzerland)
Sebastian Wieczorek, SAP (Germany)
Peter Wong, Fredhopper - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Ivan Lanese
lanese @ cs.unibo.it
FOCUS Team, University of Bologna/INRIA, Italy
Manuel Mazzara
manuel.mazzara @ newcastle.ac.uk
School of Computing Science, Newcastle university, UK
Fabrizio Montesi
fmontesi @ italianasoftware.com
IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark / italianaSoftware s.r.l., Italy
logic-ml の皆様,
〒599-8531 堺市中区学園町1−1
TEL: 072-254-9693
E-mail: hnishimura(a)mi.s.osakafu-u.ac.jp
The 11th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference
August 23 - 30, 2011
Tutorial: August 23, Main conference: August 24-27
Special Programs: August 28,
A Satellite Workshop at KIAS, Seoul: August 29-30
Venue: Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea
Organized by Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
Co-organized by Pukyong National University
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: June 20, 2011
Acceptance notification: July 17, 2011
Final draft: August 7, 2011
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and
The 11th AQIS conference will be focused on new theoretical and
experimental development in quantum information processing,
communication and cryptography and on both physics and computing
aspects of the field. Program is to consists of invited talks,
selected presentations and posters, as well as tutorials and satellite
workshops. Areas of coverage include (but are not limited to):
-Quantum computation, programming, algorithms and complexity
-Quantum information theory
-Quantum decoherence fighting concepts, methods and tool
-Quantum cryptography theory and experiments
-Quantum communication experiments and theory
-Quantum technologies (optics, NMR, solid states,...)
-Quantum computers and processors design
-Quantum information processing impacts on other sciences
Social program will include excursion to the exciting Gyeongju that
was the capital of Silla (ancient Korea) for 1000 years.
Keynote Speakers:
Gilles Brassard (University of Montreal)
Yoshihisa Yamamoto (NII, Tokyo, Stanford University)
Tutorial Lecturers:
Andris Ambainis (University of Latvia, Riga)
Jozef Gruska (Masaryk University, Brno)
Barry Sanders (University of Calgary, Calgary)
Invited Speakers:
Charles Bennett (IBM, Yorktown Heights)
Guoping Guo (University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei)
Wu-Ming Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
Mio Murao (University of Tokyo, Tokyo)
Hyunchul Nha (Texas A&M University, Qatar)
Rajiah Simon (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai)
Shigeki Takeuchi (Osaka University, Osaka)
Andreas Winter (University of Bristol, Bristol)[to be confirmed]
Contact Information:
Se-Wan Ji, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
Hoegiro 87, Dongdaemun, SEOUL, KOREA [130-722]
Tel: +82-2-958-3863 Fax: +82-2-958-3820
Email: aqis11(a)kias.re.kr
Steering Committee Chair:
Jozef Gruska (Masaryk University, Brno)
Conference Chairs:
Jaewan Kim (KIAS, Seoul)
Hai-Woong Lee (KAIST, Daejeon)
Program committee:
Andris Ambainis (Co-Chair; University of Latvia, Riga)
Almut Beige (U Leeds)
Charles Bennett (IBM)
Warwick Bowen (U Queensland)
Giulio Chiribella (PI, Ontario)
Sang Kyung Choi (KRISS)
His-Sheng Goan (NTU)
Andrew Greentree (U Melbourne)
Guang-Can Guo (USTC, Hefei)
Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto U)
Hyunseok Jeong (Seoul Nat'l U)
Jaewan Kim (Chair; KIAS)
Kisik Kim (Inha U)
Yoon Ho Kim (POSTECH)
Julien Laurat (CNRS, Paris)
Hai-Woong Lee (KAIST)
Jinhyoung Lee (Hanyang U)
Peter van Loock (Max-Planck Inst)
Norbert Lutkenhaus (U Waterloo)
Kae Nemoto (NII, Tokyo)
Hyunchul Nha (Texas A&M U, Qatar)
Franco Nori (RIKEN/U Michigan)
Arun Pati (Inst Physics, Bhubaneswar)
Martin B Plenio (U Ulm)
Daowen Qiu (Zhongshan U, Guangzhou)
Martin Roetteler (NEC Labs)
Barry Sanders (U Calgary)
Stephanie Wehner (CQT/NUS)
Andreas Winter (U Bristol)
Shigeru Yamashita (Ritsumeikan U)
Bei Zeng (IQC, U Waterloo)
Shengyu Zhang (CUHK, Hong Kong)
Organizing Committee:
Kyungsik Kim (Chair; Pukyong National University, Busan)
Tae-Gon Noh (Kyungsung University, Busan)
Sang Wook Kim (Pusan National University, Busan)
Han Seb Moon (Pusan National University, Busan)
Se-Wan Ji (KIAS, Seoul)
Shigeru Yamashita (Ritsumeikan University, Nara)
Sheng-Mei Zhao (NUPT, Nanjing)
Jae-Weon Lee (Jungwon University, Goesan)
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.
Please distribute it to colleagues and students.
Meeting: 23rd European Summer School in Logic, Language and
Information (ESSLLI)
Date: 01-Aug-2011 - 12-Aug-2011
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Contact Email: esslli2011(a)gmail.com
Meeting URL: http://esslli2011.ijs.si/
Early registration deadline: 15-06-2011
*Meeting Descriptrmation (ESSLLI) has been organized every year by the
Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI) in different
sites around Europe. The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface
between linguistics, logic and computation.
ESSLLI offers foundational, introductory and advanced courses, as well
as workshops, covering a wide variety of topics within the three areas
of interest: Language and Computation, Language and Logic, and Logic
and Computation. Previous summer schools have been highly successful,
attracting up to 500 students from Europe and elsewhere. The school
has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion
for students and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study
of Logic, Language and Information. During two weeks, around 50
courses and 10 workshops are offered to the attendants, each of 1.5
hours per day during a five days week, with up to seven parallel
sessions. ESSLLI also includes a student session (papers and posters
by students only, 1.5 hour per day during the two weeks) and four
evening lectures by senior scientists in the covered areas.
In 2011, ESSLLI will held in Ljubljana, Slovenia and will be organized
by the Slovenian Language Technologies Society (SDJT), the Jožef
Stefan Institute (IJS) and The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
(FMF) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Chair of the Program Committee is Makoto
Kanazawa (National Institute of Informatics, Japan), and Chair of the
Organizing Committee is Darja Fišer (The University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia). To contact the ESSLLI 2011 Organizing Committee, write to: esslli2011(a)gmail.com
*Summer School Programme*
*Online Registration Form*
*Programme Committee*
Chair: Makoto Kanazawa (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo)
Local Co-chair: Andrej Bauer (University of Ljubljana)
Area Specialists:
Language and Computation:
- Markus Egg (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Aline Villavicencio (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Language and Logic:
- Hans-Christian Schmitz (Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin)
- Louise McNally (UPF, Barcelona)
Logic and Computation:
- Ralph Matthes (IRIT, CNRS and University of Toulouse)
- Eric Pacuit (Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg
*Organizing Committee*
Chair: Darja Fišer (University of Ljubljana)
Committee Members:
- Špela Vintar (University of Ljubljana)
- Senja Pollak (University of Ljubljana)
- Mihael Arčan (DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway)
- Andrej Bauer (University of Ljubljana)
- Boštjan Bajec (University of Ljubljana)
- Monika Kropej (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Špela Sitar (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Mitja Jermol (Jožef Stefan Institute)