Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.
Please distribute it to colleagues and students.
Meeting: 23rd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI)
Date: 01-Aug-2011 - 12-Aug-2011
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Contact Email: esslli2011(a)gmail.com
Meeting URL: http://esslli2011.ijs.si/
Early registration deadline: 31-05-2011
*Meeting Description*
For the past 23 years, the European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) has been organized every year by the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI) in different sites around Europe. The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation.
ESSLLI offers foundational, introductory and advanced courses, as well as workshops, covering a wide variety of topics within the three areas of interest: Language and Computation, Language and Logic, and Logic and Computation. Previous summer schools have been highly successful, attracting up to 500 students from Europe and elsewhere. The school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic, Language and Information. During two weeks, around 50 courses and 10 workshops are offered to the attendants, each of 1.5 hours per day during a five days week, with up to seven parallel sessions. ESSLLI also includes a student session (papers and posters by students only, 1.5 hour per day during the two weeks) and four evening lectures by senior scientists in the covered areas.
In 2011, ESSLLI will held in Ljubljana, Slovenia and will be organized by the Slovenian Language Technologies Society (SDJT), the Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) and The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (FMF) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Chair of the Program Committee is Makoto Kanazawa (National Institute of Informatics, Japan), and Chair of the Organizing Committee is Darja Fišer (The University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). To contact the ESSLLI 2011 Organizing Committee, write to: esslli2011(a)gmail.com.
*Summer School Programme*
*Online Registration Form*
*Programme Committee*
Chair: Makoto Kanazawa (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo)
Local Co-chair: Andrej Bauer (University of Ljubljana)
Area Specialists:
Language and Computation:
- Markus Egg (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Aline Villavicencio (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Language and Logic:
- Hans-Christian Schmitz (Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin)
- Louise McNally (UPF, Barcelona)
Logic and Computation:
- Ralph Matthes (IRIT, CNRS and University of Toulouse)
- Eric Pacuit (Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg
*Organizing Committee*
Chair: Darja Fišer (University of Ljubljana)
Committee Members:
- Špela Vintar (University of Ljubljana)
- Andrej Bauer (University of Ljubljana)
- Monika Kropej (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Špela Sitar (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Boštjan Bajec (University of Ljubljana)
- Senja Pollak (University of Ljubljana)
- Mihael Arčan
logic-ml および sonoteno 皆様、
Continuation (継続) に関する2つのワークショップが、5月末および9月下旬
1. RDP (RTA + TLCA) に併設
TPDC 2011: Theory and Practice of Delimited Continuations
May 29, 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia
2. ICFP に併設
CW 2011: ACM SIGPLAN Continuation Workshop 2011
September 24, 2011, Tokyo, Japan
どちらも、基礎理論(classical logic, type theory)から、プログラム言語の
理論/実装、継続の様々な応用(web programming, linguistics etc.)までをカ
RDP に行かれる方、あるいは、ICFP に行かれる方は、是非投稿をご検討ください。
CFP は添付ファイルにします。
亀山幸義 (筑波大学)
Call for Papers
TPDC 2011
1st International Workshop on
Theory and Practice of Delimited Continuations
29 May 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia
An RDP 2011 workshop -
Federated Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming
Since their introduction in the late 1980s, delimited control
operators have triggered increasing interest among programmers and the
programming language community, found unexpected applications in
conceptual domains such as linguistics and constructive mathematics,
and shown themselves to be the natural development of classical
control operators. The first workshop on the Theory and Practice of
Delimited Continuations aims to bring together people working with the
many different (practical, theoretical, or foundational) aspects of
delimited continuations, in the hope of fostering some unity and
Contributions on all topics related to delimited continuations are
welcome, as either short abstracts or full papers (see SUBMISSION
To be announced
# Submission of full papers: 25 February 2011
# Submission of short abstracts: 18 March 2011
# Notification of acceptance: 25 March 2011
# Final version due: 8 April 2011
# Workshop: 29-30 May 2011
We accept submissions of two kinds:
* short abstracts (1 to 2 pages)
* full papers up to 12 pages
Short abstracts are proposals for talks within a wide rubric: reports
on work-in-progress or recently published papers, surveys or short
tutorials, system demonstrations, etc. Full papers must describe new
work not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Accepted
papers and abstracts will be presented at the workshop and included in
the proceedings, published as a technical report.
Papers and abstracts should be formatted using the easychair.cls LaTeX
class (see http://easychair.org/coolnews.cgi), and may be submitted
electronically as pdf files via the easychair website:
Zena Ariola, University of Oregon, USA
Dariusz Biernacki, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Hugo Herbelin, INRIA, Paris, France
Yukiyoshi Kameyama, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Alexis Saurin, CNRS, Paris, France
Hayo Thielecke, University of Birmingham, UK
Noam Zeilberger, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France
Hugo Herbelin, INRIA, Paris, France
Alexis Saurin, CNRS, Paris, France
Noam Zeilberger, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France
For more information, please contact
Alexis Saurin <saurin(a)pps.jussieu.fr>
or Noam Zeilberger <noam(a)pps.jussieu.fr>
CW 2011
ACM SIGPLAN Continuation Workshop 2011
co-located with ICFP 2011, Tokyo, Japan
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Call for Contributions
Continuations have been discovered many times, which highlights their
many applications in programming language semantics and program
analysis, linguistics, logic, parallel processing, compilation and web
programming. Recently, there has been a surge of interest
specifically in delimited continuations: new implementations (in
Scala, Ruby, OCaml, Haskell), new applications (to probabilistic
programming, event-driven distributed processing), substructural and
constructive logics, natural language semantics.
The goal of the Continuation Workshop is to make continuations more
accessible and useful -- to practitioners and to researchers in
various areas of computer science and outside computer science. We
wish to promote communication among the implementors and users in many
fields. We would like to publicize the applications of continuations
in academic (logic, linguistics) and practical fields and various
programming languages (OCaml, Haskell, Scala, Ruby, Scheme, etc).
Continuation Workshop 2011 will be informal. We aim at accessible
presentations of exciting if not fully polished research, and of
interesting academic, industrial and open-source applications that are
new or unfamiliar. The workshop will have no published proceedings;
submissions of short abstracts are preferred.
We intend to organize a tutorial session on delimited continuations
and their main applications, in the evening before the workshop, on
Friday, September 23, 2011.
Invited speakers
Important dates
Submission: June 25, 2011
Notification: August 8, 2011
Tutorials: September 23, 2011
Workshop: September 24, 2011
The workshop will consist of presentations by the participants,
selected from submitted abstracts. Participants are invited to submit
working drafts, source code, and/or extended abstracts for
distribution on the workshop homepage and to the attendees, but as the
workshop will have no formal proceedings, any contributions may be
submitted for publication to other venues. (See the SIGPLAN
republication policy for more details.)
We seek several types of presentations on topics related to
continuations. We especially encourage presentations that describe
work in progress, outline a future research agenda, or encourage
lively discussion.
Research presentations on:
- implementations of continuations
- semantics
- type systems and logics
- meta-theory and its mechanization
- code generation with continuations or effects
- distributed programming
- systems programming and security
- pearls
Research presentations must be broadly accessible and should describe
new ideas, experimental results, significant advances in the theory or
application of continuations, or informed positions regarding new
control operators.
Application presentations, or status reports
These broadly accessible presentations should describe interesting
applications of continuations in research, industry or open source.
We encourage presentations of applications from areas outside of
programming language research -- such as linguistics, logics, AI,
computer graphics, operating systems, etc. These presentations need
not present original research, but should deliver information that is
new or that is unfamiliar to the general ICFP audience. (A broadly
accessible version of research presented elsewhere, with the most
recent results and more discussion of future work may be acceptable as
a CW 2011 status report.) The abstract submission should justify, to a
general reader, why an application is interesting.
Demos and work-in-progress reports
Live demonstrations or presentations of preliminary results are
intended to show new developments, interesting prototypes, or work in
progress. In the abstract submission (which need only be about half a
page), describe the demo and its technical content, and be sure to
include the demo's title, authors, collaborators, references, and
acknowledgments. A demonstration should take 10-15 minutes, and a
work-in-progress report should take about 5 minutes. The exact time
per demo will be decided based on the number of accepted
submissions. (Presenters will have to bring all the software and
hardware for their demonstration; the workshop organizers are only
able to provide a projector.)
Submission Guidelines and Instructions
Unlike the previous Continuation Workshops, we do not require the
submission of complete research papers. We will select presentations
based on submitted abstracts, up to 2 (A4 or US letter) pages long in
the PDF format (with the optional supplementary material, up to 8 PDF
pages). Persons for whom this poses a hardship should contact the
program chair. Submissions longer than a half a page should include a
paragraph synopsis suitable for inclusion in the workshop program.
Email submissions to cw2011-submit(a)logic.cs.tsukuba.ac.jp
Yukiyoshi Kameyama, University of Tsukuba
Chung-chieh Shan, Rutgers University
Oleg Kiselyov
Program Committee
Kenichi Asai, Ochanomizu University, Japan
Malgorzata Biernacka, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Hugo Herbelin, PPS - pi.r2, INRIA, France
Oleg Kiselyov
Julia Lawall, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Tiark Rompf, EPFL, Switzerland
Chung-chieh Shan, Rutgers University (Chair)
Hayo Thielecke, University of Birmingham, UK
Previous Workshops
ACM SIGPLAN Continuation Workshop (CW'04)
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Continuations (CW'01)
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Continuations (CW'97)
Continuation Fest 2008
慶応大哲学 岡田光弘
Feb 26th, 2011, Tokyo, Keio University, Mita Campus
2011年2月26日(土) 慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス
本研究会の目的:現代論理、特に証明論に源泉を持ち、Hilbert, Gödel,
Friedman, Girardらによって議論されたテーマのいくつかについて、
The purpose of this Meeting is to discuss issues presented in various
new fields derived from proof theory,
initiated by Hilbert, Gëdel, Friedman, Girard and others, from the
philosophical point of view as well as from the technical point of view.
日時: 22011年月26日(土) 午後13時ー18時
Date&Time:: Feb 26th, 2011, 13:00pm-18:00pm
場所: 慶應義塾大学 三田キャンパス 東館6階 G-Sec Lab
Place: G-Sec Lab, 6th floor of the East Building, the Mita Campus, Keio
(5 minutes walk from JR-Tamachi, Subway Mita or Akabanebashi)
なお、この集会の直前の2月24-25日にFormal Ontology Meetingが開催さ
http://abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp/seminar/oam11.html (事前電子登録推奨)
"Proof Theory and Philosophy" Program
Richard Zach (University of Calgary, Department of Philosophy)
“Gëdel’s First Incompleteness Theorem and Mathematical Instrumentalism”
(14:00-14:15 coffee)
Ryo Takemura (Keio University)
“Proof theory for reasoning with Euler diagrams”
(15:15-15:30 coffee)
Sam Sanders (Tohoku University)
“Reverse Mathematics & Non-Standard Analysis: WHY SOME THEOREMS ARE MORE
(16:30-16:45 coffee)
Michele Basaldella (Kyoto University)
“A gentle introduction to ludics”
Concluding discussion
18:00 End of the Meeting
ンターとグローバルCOE「論理と感性の先端的教育研究拠点」の共催 集会です。
Organizing Committee
Ryoto Akiyoshi
Mitsu Okada (responsible)
Yutaro Sugimoto
住所: 東京都港区三田2-15-45
TEL: 03-3453-4511 (内線23847)
E-Mail: interontology[AT]abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp
[Apologies for multiple copies]
II call for papers
26-30 July 2011
Universités Aix-Marseille I-II-III, France
Studying logics via semantics is a well-established and very active
branch of mathematical logic, with many applications, in computer
science and elsewhere. The area is characterized by results, tools
and techniques stemming from various fields, including universal
algebra, topology, category theory, order, and model theory. The
program of the conference TACL 2011 will focus on three
interconnecting mathematical themes central to the semantical study
of logics and their applications: algebraic, categorical, and
topological methods. This is the fifth conference in the series
Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL, formerly TANCL).
Earlier installments of this conference have been organized in
Tbilisi (2003), Barcelona (2005), Oxford (2007), Amsterdam (2009).
Featured topics
Contributed talks can deal with any topic dealing with the use of
algebraic, categorical or topological methods in either logic or
computer science. This includes, but is not limited to, the following
* Algebraic structures in CS
* Algebraic logic
* Coalgebra
* Categorical methods in logic
* Domain theory
* Fuzzy and many-valued logics
* Lattice theoryfile:///home/lsantoca/public_html/tacl2011/IIcallforpapers.txt
* Lattices with operators
* Modal logics
* Non-classical logics
* Ordered topological spaces
* Ordered algebraic structures
* Pointfree topology
* Proofs and Types
* Residuated structures
* Semantics
* Stone-type dualities
* Substructural logics
* Topological semantics of modal logic
List of speakers
* Steve Awodey, Carnegie Mellon University
* Lev Beklemishev, Steklov Mathematical Institute Moscow
* David Gabelaia, Tbilisi Razmadze Mathematical Institute
* Nikolaos Galatos, University of Denver
* Pierre Gillibert, Charles University Prague
* Jean Goubault-Larrecq, ENS Cachan, CNRS, INRIA
* Rosalie Iemhoff, Utrecht University
* Mamuka Jibladze, Tbilisi Razmadze Mathematical Institute
* Vincenzo Marra, Università degli Studi di Milano
* Thomas Streicher, Technical University Darmstadt
Esakia session
The Fifth International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories
in Logic is dedicated to the memory of Leo Esakia (1934-2010).
In Leo's honour there will be a special session during the conference; three of
the invited speakers will be giving their talk in this session: Lev Beklemishev,
David Gabelaia, and Mamuka Jibladze. In addition, a memorial talk on the life
and work of Leo Esakia will delivered by the chair of this session, Guram
The program committee specially encourages submissions related to the work of
Leo Esakia, and may select some of these submission for presentation at the
special session.
Contributed presentations will be of two types:
* standard presentations of 20 minutes in parallel sessions,
* featured, 30 minutes long, plenary presentations.
The submission of an extended abstract in pdf format will be required to be
selected for a contributed presentation of either kind.
Concerning the standard presentations, while preference will be given to
new work, results that have already been published or presented elsewhere
will also be considered.
Concerning the featured presentations: the program committee will choose
a small number of submissions of which the authors will be invited to
give a plenary presentation. The criteria for this selection will be:
originality, significance and interest to the wider TACL community.
There will be just one submission procedure, for contributed presentations of
either kind: authors are requested to submit a short text of four pages,
in English and in pdf format, through the easychair submission site:
Important dates
April 18, 2011: Abstract submission deadline
May 20, 2011: Notification to authors
July 26-30, 2011: Conference
Program Committee
Guram Bezhanishvili, New Mexico State University
Petr Cintula, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Thierry Coquand, University of Gothenburg
Mai Gehrke, Radboud University, Nijmegen
Silvio Ghilardi, Università degli Studi di Milano
Rob Goldblatt, Victoria University, Wellington
Martin Hyland, King's College, Cambridge
Ramon Jansana, Universitat de Barcelona
Achim Jung (PC co-chair), University of Birmingham
Alexander Kurz, University of Leicester
Yves Lafont, Université Aix-Marseille II
Tadeusz Litak, University of Leicester
Paul-André Melliès, CNRS Paris Diderot
George Metcalfe, Universität Bern
Nicola Olivetti, Université Aix-Marseille III
Hiroakira Ono, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Luigi Santocanale, Université Aix-Marseille I
Kazushige Terui, Kyoto University
Costantine Tsinakis, Vanderbilt University
Yde Venema (PC co-chair), University of Amsterdam
Friedrich Wehrung, Université de Caen
Michael Zakharyaschev, University of London
More Information
If you have any queries please send them to the conference email address:
リストに投稿させていただきます。 慶応大哲学 岡田光弘
Feb 24th-25th, 2011, Tokyo, Keio University, Mita Campus
2011年2月24-25日 慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス
Roberto Casati教授 (影のオントロジー),Barry Smith教授 (痛みのオントロ
ジー,文書のオントロジー) らの講演をはじめとして,analytic
学,計算機科学,数学などの観点を含むオントロジーの討論も 予定されていま
す.(プログラムは以下に掲載) 参加自由,無料です.
The purpose of this Meeting is to discuss some fundamental issues on
ontology from various points of views including analytic metaphysics,
logic, phenomenology, computing science and mathematics.
*日時 / Date:*
2011年2月24日 -- 25日 / Feb 24th -- Feb 25th, 2011
*場所 / Place:*
6th Floor (G-SEC Lab), East Building, the Mita Campus, Keio
University / 慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 東館6F G-SEC Lab
*公式ページURL / Official Page URL:*
<http://abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp/pom11/>が予定さ れております.)
Free for participation. Please register here in order to ensure
receiving your copy of the proceedings volume upon your arrival at the
Meeting site:
2月24日 (Feb 24th)
Smith (Department of Philosophy, State University of new York at
Buffalo, and National Center for Ontological Research) “The Ontology
of Documents”
Daisuke Kachi (Philosopy, Saitama University) “The Power of Holes”
Takashi Iida (Philosophy Department, Nihon University) “On the
Contingency of Some Abstract Objects”
Roberto Casati (Institut Jean Nicod Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)
“Shadow lessons: competition between ontologies for dependent entities”
Reception Party at Chuugoku Hanten (中国飯店 : Restaurant near the
Mita Campus) (Free for participation 参加自由無料です)
2月25日 (Feb 25th)
Barry Smith (Department of Philosophy, State University of new York
at Buffalo, and National Center for Ontological Research) “The
Ontology of Pains”
Takeshi Akiba (Keio University) “On the ontological basis of
Lunch Break
Sungho Choi (Philosophy at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea) “Is
fragility an intrinsic disposition?”
Tora Koyama (Osaka University) “Modal Realism and Metaontology”
Sam Sanders (Tohoku University) “Reverse mathematics and
non-standard analysis; a treasure trove for the philosophy of science”
Hiroyuki Miyoshi (Department of Mathematics, Kyoto Sangyo
University) “Ontology and Epistemology from Computational Phenomena”
Concluding discussions
End of the Meeting
住所: 東京都港区三田2-15-45
TEL: 03-3453-4511 (内線23847)
E-Mail: interontology[AT]abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp
/This document was translated from L^A T_E X by //H//^E //V//^E //A/
From: Christos Nomikos <cnomikos(a)cs.uoi.gr>
To: pls8(a)cs.uoi.gr
Cc: cnomikos(a)cs.uoi.gr
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 08:46:41 +0900
*** ***
*** T H E 8 T H P A N H E L L E N I C L O G I C S Y M P O S I U M ***
*** J u l y 4 - 8 , 2 0 1 1 ***
*** I o a n n i n a, G r e e c e ***
*** ***
*** www.cs.uoi.gr/~pls8/ ***
*** ***
The Panhellenic Logic Symposium, a biennial scientific event established in
1997, aims to promote interaction and cross-fertilization among different areas
of logic. Originally conceived as a way of bringing together the many logicians
of Hellenic descent throughout the world, it has evolved into an international
forum for the communication of state-of-the-art advances in logic. The
symposium is open to researchers worldwide who work in logic broadly conceived.
The Eighth Panhellenic Logic Symposium will be hosted by the Department of
Computer Science at the University of Ioannina.
The scientific program of the symposium will consist of one-hour long invited
talks, three-hour long tutorials, and twenty-five-minute presentations of
accepted contributed papers. There will also be special opportunities for
students to give short talks, and receive comments on work in progress.
- Jeremy Avigad (Carnegie Mellon, USA)
- Dale Miller (INRIA, France)
- Simon Thomas (Rutgers, USA)
- George Barmpalias (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Ozlem Beyarslan (Bogazici University, Turkey)
- Michael Rathjen (University of Leeds, UK)
- Nicole Schweikardt (Goethe University, Germany)
- Athanassios Tzouvaras (University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Original papers that fall within the scope of the symposium are solicited.
Prospective speakers of twenty-five-minute presentations are invited to submit
an extended abstract, in English, not exceeding five pages, by 25 March 2011.
Papers should be prepared using the EasyChair class style (available from
http://www.easychair.org/coolnews.cgi) and submitted electronically, using
the Easy Chair conference system, at
If possible, each submitted paper should be classified in one of the following
areas (in alphabetical order):
- Algebraic and Categorical Methods in Logic
- Computability Theory
- History and Philosophy of Logic
- Logic in Computer Science
- Model Theory
- Nonclassical and Modal Logics
- Proof Theory
- Set Theory
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the
symposium, who will make final decisions on acceptance or rejection. During
the symposium, each accepted paper will be presented by one of its authors,
with five extra minutes for questions. Authors of submitted papers will be
notified of the decision by early May 2011. Camera-ready extended abstracts
will be due by the end of May for inclusion in the symposium proceedings which
will be distributed to all participants.
- Abstract Submission Deadline: March 25, 2011
- Acceptance Notification: May 7, 2011
- Camera Ready Papers Deadline: May 31, 2011
- Conference Dates: July 4-8, 2011
- Ayse Berkman (Middle East Technical University)
- Costas Dimitracopoulos (University of Athens)
- Kostas Hatzikiriakou (University of Thessaly)
- Antonis Kakas (University of Cyprus)
- Panagis Karazeris (University of Patras)
- Phokion Kolaitis (University of California, Santa Cruz
and IBM Research-Almaden)
- George Koletsos (National Technical University of Athens )
- Joan Moschovakis (Occidental College (retired), Chair of SC)
- Christos Nomikos (University of Ioannina)
- Itay Neeman (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Thanases Pheidas (University of Crete)
- Alexandra Soskova (Sofia University)
- Constantine Tsinakis (Vanderbilt University)
- Stathis Zachos (National Technical University of Athens )
- Manolis Gergatsoulis (Ionian University)
- Spyros Kontogiannis (University of Ioannina)
- Costas Koutras (University of Peloponnese)
- Christos Nomikos (University of Ioannina, chair of the OC)
- Panos Rondogiannis (University of Athens)
Joan Moschovakis (Chair of the Scientific Committee)
e-mail: joan(a)math.ucla.edu
Christos Nomikos (Chair of the Organizing Committee)
address: University of Ioannina
Department of Computer Science
P.O. Box 1186
45110, Ioannina
tel: +30 26510 08815
fax: +30 26510 08895
e-mail: cnomikos(a)cs.uoi.gr