-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call For Papers
Int. Workshop on External and Internal Calculi for Non Classical Logics (EICNCL 2018)
Oxford, UK, 19 July 2018
(affiliated with IJCAR 2018 in FLOC 2018)
Deadline for submission: 23 April 2018 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
A one day workshop on External and Internal Calculi for Non Classical Logics will be held the 19 July 2018 in conjunction with the IJCAR 2018 Conference during FLOC 2018 in Oxford, UK.
The purpose of this workshop would be to discuss recent results on analytic (external or internal) calculi for non-classical logics like intuitionistic, modal, epistemic logics, conditional logics, substructural, resouce logics, and other logical systems. Among some key points we can mention the relationships between internal and external calculi for such logics and also their use for studying proof-search, automated deduction (proof-theory and implementation) and also logical properties like decidability, conservativity, axiomatisations and interpolation.
The workshop is intended to provide a forum for discussion between researchers interested in topics including, but not limited to, the following areas:
- External and internal calculi for non-classical logics - Relationships and embeddings (translations) between calculi, interactions between syntax and semantics - New calculi for studying problems like decidability, conservativity and interpolation - Proof-search and countermodel generation - Methodologies and tools for translations between calculi - Implementations of analytic calculi, proof assistants
We envisage a range of perspectives: proof-theoretic foundations, including decidability and complexity; model-theoretic, including semantic foundations (e.g., new semantics), modelling and verification of programs and systems.
Researchers interested in presenting their works are invited to submit an extended abstract (up to 10 pages) through Easychair : https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eicncl2018 by 23 April 2018.
Papers will be reviewed by peers, typically members of the Programme Committee.
A Special Issue of a Journal on these topics is expected after the workshop.
J. Brotherston (University College, London, UK) A. Ciabattoni (TU Vienna, Austria - co-chair) D. Galmiche (Lorraine University, CNRS, LORIA, France - co-chair) R. Goré (Australian National University, Australia) D. Larchey-Wendling (Lorraine University, CNRS, LORIA, France) G. Metcalfe (University of Bern, Switzerland) S. Negri (University of Helsinki, Finland) N. Olivetti (LSIS, Aix-Marseille University, France - co-chair) J. Otten (University of Oslo, Norway) V. de Paiva (Nuance communications, USA) R. Ramanayake (TU Vienna, Austria - co-chair) K. Sano (Hokkaido University, Japan) L. Santocanale (LIF, Aix-Marseille University, France) S. Smets (ILLC, Amsterdam University, Netherlands) L. Vigano (King's College London, UK)
Submission deadline: 23 April 2018 Notification to authors: 9 May 2018 Final versions due: 21 May 2018 Workshop date: 19 July 2018
Additional information will be available through WWW address: http://weic2018.loria.fr/
The workshop is co-organized by A. Ciabattoni, R. Ramanayake (TU Vienna), N. Olivetti (LSIS, Aix-marseille University) and D. Galmiche (LORIA - Lorraine University)