北海道大学の佐野勝彦です。LENLS 15 の Final cfp をお送りします。重複してお受け取りの場合はどうぞご容赦下さい。
-------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 15 (LENLS15)
Workshop Site : Raiosha in Hiyoshi Campus of Keio University, Yokohama, Kanagawa 4-1-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8521
http://www.hc.keio.ac.jp/en/about/ Dates : November 12-14, 2018 Contact Person: Osamu Sawada (Mie University) Contact Email : lenls15[[at]]easychair.org Website : http://www.is.ocha.ac.jp/~bekki/lenls/
Chair: Osamu Sawada (Mie University)
Co-chair: Elin McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University) Daisuke Bekki (Ochanomizu University/JST CREST) Koji Mineshima (Ochanomizu University/JST CREST)
Invited Speakers:
- Pauline Jacobson (Brown University)
- Daniel Gutzmann (University of Cologne)
- Lynne Tirrell (University of Connecticut)
LENLS is an annual international workshop on formal syntax, semantics and pragmatics. It will be held as one of the workshops of the JSAI International Symposia on AI (JSAI-isAI2018) (https://www.ai-gakkai.or.jp/isai/) sponsored by the Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI).
Aims and Topics:
We invite submissions to this year's workshop on topics in formal syntax, semantics and pragmatics, and related fields, including but in no way limited to the following:
- Formal syntax, semantics and pragmatics of natural language - Model-theoretic and/or proof-theoretic semantics of natural language - Computational Semantics - Game-theoretic/Bayesian approaches to pragmatics - Nonclassical Logic and its relation to natural language (especially Substructural/Fuzzy/Categorical/Topological logics) - Formal Philosophy of language - Scientific methodology and/or experimental design for linguistics
Abstracts (anonymous, up to 4 pages, including figures and references, A4 size, with 12 point font) must be submitted electronically in PDF format at:
When the abstract is accepted, the author is expected to submit a full paper (10-14 pages) before the workshop. The online proceedings of the workshop will be available at the conference site.
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: August 26, 2018 Notification of acceptance: September 30, 2018 Deadline for camera-ready copy: mid-October, 2018 Deadline for early registration: October 31, 2018 LENLS15: November 12-14, 2018
LENLS is being organized by an alliance of "Establishment of Knowledge-Intensive Structural Natural Language Processing and Construction of Knowledge Infrastructure" (http://nlp.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/CREST/?en) project, funded by JST CREST Programs "Advanced Core Technologies for Big Data Integration" (http://www.jst.go.jp/kisoken/crest/en/research_area/ongoing/areah25-6.html).
Workshop Organizers/Program Committee:
- Osamu Sawada (Mie University) - Elin McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University) - Daisuke Bekki (Ochanomizu University/JST CREST) - Koji Mineshima (Ochanomizu University/JST CREST) - Alastair Butler (Hirosaki University) - Richard Dietz (Yamanashi Gakuin University) - Naoya Fujikawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University) - Yurie Hara (Waseda University) - Magdalena Kaufmann (University of Connecticut) - Yoshiki Mori (University of Tokyo) - David Y. Oshima (Nagoya University) - Katsuhiko Sano (Hokkaido University) - Wataru Uegaki (Leiden University) - Katsuhiko Yabushita (Naruto University of Education) - Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University) - Shunsuke Yatabe (Kyoto University) - Kei Yoshimoto (Tohoku University)