Symposium “Fairness, Integrity and Transparency of Formal Systems:

Challenges for a Society Increasingly Dominated by Technology” June 19th (Sat.) 14:30-18:00 JST 619() June 19th, 2021,  Zoom

Free pre-registration open now 登録受付中(無料)





主要講演は、証明とアルゴリズムと説明性、公平性公理と投票アルゴリズム、説明性の価値、などに関わります。The topics of the main invited talks include expnainability with proofs and algorithms, some issues on voting algorithms with a fairness property and their computation, values of explainability in automatic authority systems, and others.


Gilles Dowek (INRIAENS-Saclay)

Explanation: from ethics to logic”


Edith Elkind (University of Oxford)

Justified Representation in Approval-Based Committee Voting”


Seth Lazar (Australian National University)

Legitimacy, Authority, and the Political Value of Explanations”



基本情報ページ (Information Pages in English)


[要事前登録 Pre-registration required]

事前登録方法:日本語ポスターの案内に従ってStreaming用登録ができます。DLMPSTページ側の案内に従って英語ポスターのコードを用いるとZoomWebinar登録できます。 Use the code on the poster in Japanese of JAPS for streaming. One could use the code on the poster in English posted on the DLMPST page for Zoom.


科学基礎論学会ポスター (JAPS Poster in Japanese)


DLMPST(国際科学基礎論学会連合)/IUHPST)Symposium Information Page


DLMPST > Activities > 2021



岡田光弘 Mitsuhiro Okada Coordinator and Co-organizer of the Symposium

Keio University

Mitsu[ AT ]